jeudi 11 mai 2023

The verse.

NGR Verse for Eva

Live someone´s life.

Live someone´s place,

and you´ll live life. 

It´s life´s goal and life´s great achievement.

Live life for something.

Live life for someone. 

Live your life for that something and for that someone.

Live your life with that someone in that somewhere place.

Go on, do it.

If it happens, he lives. If it doesn´t happens, he dies.

You & I

Well, maybe in another life. In another life time and place.

Why not? It can be pleasant, a joyful life, good. 

Will not be good, of course not. How can it be?

You & I

Are we good for each other? Are we not? Of course not. You are not good. I´m not good. None of us is good.

Is there something? There´s something. A road, a place, a trail, a door bell, a slight door, Odyssey. Every single word written above is complicated. Even love and life are complicated. And the worst of all is that humans make things be even more complicated when many of those words and many of those things are so simple. 

I don´t have a drive licence. So I can´t drive the words and drive on the words a long the way and drive you somewhere. It´s complicated. 

Is there something? It´s complicated. Not so simple. We´ll only know if something is done. If we do nothing. If nothing happens we´ll never know.

It´s possible. There are some possibilities.


We will only understand and we will only have the answer if we get into a story together. If we get into a friendship and relationship together. If we do something for it to happen.

Of course this will never happen. It´s understood. Filed and archived.



The living live life. The dead, live death. The dead walk in the valley of the death. That´s where i´m living and where i will be and live in.

You are alive. Butt wet, one day you´ll die and then you´ll be walking in the valley of the death with me. You will be a walking dead just like me. And there in the valley is where we´re going to live our story. Our friendship, our relationship and love story.

Please don´t die. Be alive.

Don´t you dare to die.

While you were in your deepest nights of sleep, dropped down, all your laptop and hard discs files, either personal, private, intimate or public were hacked. 
Please shot down your laptop every time and before you go to sleep or somewhere.  
If it isn´t already to late for it. Because it´s too late. The job was done while you were dropped down and dreaming by the deep drops of the lethal stones from the roads and from the wild trails where you have been all not alone but with samtrangers in trucks, airbnb, cabins and in motel rooms.

Eva~s fantasy

Are you drunk? Is your drunkenness me? Are you drinking my portion? Am I your drink? The licor? Am i your smile and the couch where you´re sitting?

Live someone´s life.

Live someone´s place.

And you´ll live life.

That someone will live his life if he lives your life with you. 

That someone will live his life if he lives his life for you. 

That someone will be living for you and living your life.

He lives for you and for your life and he´ll live your life and his  life with you.

If you live for him, you´ll live his life. You´ll live your life. Your life and that place is him. You and your place is his life.

His life is your life. His life is you.

Love him and let him love you.

Fuck Freedom

I don´t want to be free. To be without pair. Lonely and homeless.

I don´t want this fucking freedom.

This story is about...

I wanna be someone that lives for something and for someone. Someone that lives with someone and lives and shares that someone´s place and life. 

That someone, place and life is the life that i want to live for and for who i want to live for.

I want to live life.

I don´t want to be free. I don´t want to live without that someone.

I wanna be the mean and the meaning of someone´s life and live for that someone.

I want someone to be my life. To be part of my life. Someone for whom i´ll live for, someone that will live for me. 


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