jeudi 28 novembre 2019

Dans le ciel vous êtes?

Une presence´

A chercher la lumiére´

A guerrir´

A la demande du silence´

Le ciel n´existe pas´

La Vie En Rose


Que est-ce-que vous allez dire´

Je dirais. Je veux vivre . La, un jour. La ou le tresor, la Vie, la neige Rose, tombe. La La La. oú la penser du  monde est sur les etoiles. de lait, de fraises et de chantilly. La La La oú la vie glisse et danse dans les parfuns des reves de la vie.

Romeo et Julliette - Je veux vivre 

Je veux vivre dans un palais NG Angie Lune

Je veux vivre


Not a love song. John

One wedding and funerals

When you raise, double, triple, more and much more. When raises, when it falls in a Springfield. Somewhere in time. Cause it will fall sometimes, someday, somewhere in time. People don´t loose or win always. It´s simple as it. It´s a game, everything can happen. Everything can change the role of the game. In your thoughts, you have to find the key that it is in your mind to open the door of your house, take look at the wonderful garden that you have, caress with your hands the treasure in the chest, feel the moment and see in the blue sky the gold bright of the sunshine. Find the key, open the door, close the game.To get away, before it all trashes down.
This is what have been happening. Many times. Erron after Errores. Mistakes
Leave it for a while, enjoy the profits you made and then, start it all over again. Of couse it doesn´t always happen. It´s a game, things may not go as you expect or as it should be and should go. Because, the others are playing their own game too. FUCKING EVERYONE, for their own profits. Only a fiew win. Those who play and do their own game, for their own profits. Because want it or not, it´s what it´s. It´s life. A fight, a competion... But people shouldn´t step in / on on other people. Unfortantly, there are many issues in people´s lives, problems, conflicts, wars, caused for a penny.
 A fiew weeks ago, from 5 i raised 200. Other times, 100. 50.20. 50...Then, after the marathon...

Springfield Fall Garden Chest Sunshine Falling down

Garden of delight


Northern skies


Blessed moment

Rise and Fall

Apocalypse Play Dead

Don´t be follish

All fall into dark


Falling Down

Portuguese industry and economie
Portugal it´s a small country, 10 million people, 4 million workers, 3.5 million with low salaries. Leaving people without purchasing power.
Lack of investiment, because there isn´t Portugueses investors and with money to spend in investments.
Companies like C&A Zara Pull Bear Springfield Timberlake Seaside Sport Zone and many others.
Big investment companies, high industry production, exploring the eastern european countries and asian countries with low salaries and manufacturing with low costs in those countries and selling the commodities at low and médium prices. So, the Portugueses industry can´t compete. Because of the cost of the investments, manufacture, salaries, low and médium prices sales from the big companies and all the other costs.
This, Fuck all the Portugueses industry economy.
Portuguese investors have to close their doors. because it´s expensive to manufacturate and all the other costs that are within. And because they don´t sell their commodities, due to those big compamies with high manufacture, low costs and lower and médium prices sales. If they don´t close  their doors, they will start to accumulating debts.
"""Peter Sellers don´t sell machines in the same way, in the same quantities, as you may sell suits, ties, pants, underwear, socks, worksuits, coffee drops and spiritual drinks. Machines are more expensive and there isn´t industries, fabrics in Portugal as there is people.
TeXtil industry in Portugal!? Fabrics? Machines investment? Buyers? Very fiew. The margin to sell machines it´s low. It´s a small market, because there isn´t to many TeXtil industries in Portugal.

It seem that place wasn´t viable economically for the company that wanted to invest there.. Even with a médium investiment, due to place at the end of the world, the low maintenance cost, the low salaries that would be paid and then the exportation cost. Some structural things were made there.

A smelly thing. Also, animal issues. The prove of it, the work of those that put their aassss in it and what came down and happen from the smell and the animal issues. donkeys monkeys dogs clows and the PT aassses that went there for a fair that happen there at that time

mercredi 27 novembre 2019

The Big Ben Palace Le Palais du Big Ben

Miss Maggie

Femmes du monde ou bien putains qui, bien souvent, êtes les mêmes Femmes normales, stars ou boudins Femelles en tout genre, je vous aime

Même à la dernière des connes Je veux dédier ces quelques vers Issus de mon dégoût des hommes Et de leur morale guerrière

Car aucune femme sur la planète Ne sera jamais plus con que son frère Ni plus fière ni plus malhonnête À part peut-être, Madame Thatcher

Femme je t'aime parce que Lorsque le sport devient la guerre Y'a pas de gonzesses, ou si peu Dans les hordes des supporters

Ces fanatiques fous furieux Abreuvés de haine et de bière Défiant les crétins en bleu Insultant les salauds en vert

Y'a pas de gonzesses hooligans Imbéciles et meurtrières Y'en a pas, même en Grande-Bretagne À part, bien sûr, Madame Thatcher
Femme, je t'aime parce que Une bagnole entre les pognes Tu ne deviens pas aussi con qu'eux Ces pauvres tarés qui se cognent

Pour un phare un peu amoché Ou pour un doigt tendu bien haut Y'en a qui vont jusqu'à flinguer Pour sauver leur auto-radio

Le bras d'honneur de ces cons-là Aucune femme n'est assez vulgaire Pour l'employer à tour de bras À part, peut-être, Madame Thatcher

Femme je t'aime parce que Tu vas pas mourir à la guerre Parce que la vue d'une arme à feu Fait pas frissonner tes ovaires

Parce que dans les ranges des chasseurs Qui dégomment la tourterelle Et occasionnellement les beurs J'ai jamais vu une femelle

Pas une femme n'est assez minable Pour astiquer un revolver Et se sentir invulnérable À part, bien sûr, Madame Thatcher

C'est pas un cerveau féminin Qu'est sortie la bombe atomique Et pas une femme n'a sur les mains Le sang des Indiens d'Amérique

Palestiniens et Arméniens Témoignent du fond de leurs tombeaux Qu'un génocide c'est masculin Comme un SS, un torero

Dans cette putain d'humanité Les assassins sont tous des frères Pas une femme pour rivaliser À part peut-être, Madame Thatcher

Femme je t'aime, surtout, enfin pour ta faiblesse et pour tes yeux Quand la force de l'homme ne tient Que dans son flingue ou dans sa queue

Et quand viendra l'heure dernière L'enfer sera peuplé de crétins Jouant au foot ou à la guerre À celui qui pisse le plus loin

Moi je me changerai en chien Si je peux rester la Terre Et comme réverbère quotidien Je m'offrirai Madame Thatcher

In Canada, i´m Maggie. In England, Maggie is not a love song. Is a game of power. Royal, political, gouvernmental and eonomic power.
Canada is "divide" mostly by the French Canadians and the Britsh Canadians. By history, discoveries and territorial, political and economic wars.
The Americans in Canada are… in England and France, Maggies.
Politicians, gouvernments, institutions, information…

Tagus River
U.S. Aircraft Carrier 65

CN Tower 


"Conservative and Unionist Party
A party loosely divided into three categories: The Thatcherites or Conservative Way Forward, who strongly support a free market and tend to be Eurosceptic; the economically moderate, often more pro-European and socially liberal One Nation Conservatives, and the americans.

Funny or amusing in a slightly odd or peculiar way.

Trouble Waters


Yellow River

English Channel

Força Aerea Portuguesa OTA -  Hercules c-130 - Asas De Portugal

                                                                    Tower Bridge Crown Jewels Train Station Green car
                                                           Distance 1000 yards 9144000 m


NGR London 1999-2000

Ricardo Timberlake

Lola Lãs & Malhas 1980...

Hotel Ritz Lisboa - Tabaqueira SIS PJ



Kodak Casino Toyota CH


Fiat 127

Mini Rui

Red, White And Blue



What´s 250.000 pounds for Man Unite.d'? 250.000 Europe League win prize Money
Second Team
Astana 2-1 Man Unite

TÓ MOSH fernando

One Wedding and Funerals

Tony Blair



Europe Asia Australia South America Canada