mercredi 20 mars 2024

Remember the promisses you made...


Why I like the book.

It talks about itself and have been talking to me. Wondering, questioning, sensoriating, trying to find and to know something about me. Talks about its daily life, what´s on the mind, its feelings, love and dreams.

The way the words are written and spoken. It always come from the depths of its heart. The sparkle in its blue eyes and the sweetness on its rosent lips whenever the voice speaks, shows the beauty of its being. 

Even when the book lie to me telling me the truth. Kissing me in unknown places of my body and mind, unknown places of thought and love. Arousing and lighting the pages that I´ve been listening, reading and loving.

Remember the promisses you made...

Cock Robin - The Promise You Made


Imagine if the book had gone swimming in the river in a green shirt, 
what would people think? 


Please don't sleep tonight in green socks, 
'Cause tonight you may not dream of chickens but of me, N Green.

I just started to watch the new video. The first thing I heard was the book singing to me the singing song, singing sang the singing song, singing and telling me that will not give me any promises but that will think about it.
The book promised me a pizza and a beer, the oven is still being built and it's uncertain how long it will take to be build. The refrigerator is broken.

Honestly, in my thought the walls will fall into ruin, after the first pizza goes into the oven. So, with time prepare the pizza with all the condiments if you don't want the walls of the oven to fall.

I still haven't heard your words today, only the song, ´cause I´ve been writing this message, but I will hear your words and maybe with some love, some, ´cause it´s not a love song, can never be, I´ll write something. 
Those words that I heard yesterday from you were beautiful, I liked loved them and I want to thank you. 
The things the book write, say and do... did, said and wrote, were and are very interesting and pleasant. The hidden love stories that were and are made there between walls, and that were told there with some malice, love malice and intelligently, pleasures and satisfaction will be kept in our secret box and in peace.




It shouldn't be, but it's loved. The forbidden fruit is always the most desirable. Everyone in their place and in the tale and it can go on. A tale, it's just a tale. Do we like it´ I think we both do, lets keep it this way. 

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