jeudi 28 mars 2024


I 👀




say it

go on, say it to me 

Love and 8
Explain it to me.
Love, I slapped you.
8, you tell me.

When did you went to Norway´

A week ago´ Two weeks´ 

You like to be three days ahead of me, don´t you´ For safety reasons, isn´t it´

I know you love me, that there´s some love there.

Explain this to me.

You didn´t have a *ing cover to cover Vilk.
Something that could shield Vilk from the wind.

Do you remember her´

I think you do´ 

Now you want to kill me.

Here, windy, raining, inondations, roads, streets and buildings. Fallen trees...

Snowing in Serra da Estrela

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