jeudi 21 mars 2024

A question of many questions.


Are you expecting something´

Are you pregnant´

When will be born´

Do you want to have children´

To be a mother´

Things take some time to be done if you wanna do something real good and special.
Well, I do some of my things in a minute, some writing, painting and videos, mostly, in a minute, daily, everyday. 
I can do better things, I´m here and there and I don´t have all the time in the world to do everything that I would like and want to do. I only have my loves, the unreal loves of the social media that I´ve been following and loving. My loves that are so close and so far from me. Fantasies and dreams, it´s the only substance, truth and reality. However I've been receiving, remotely, some things, some answers, some words and pictures. Yet nothing seems to be real, butt anyway, I´m living and loving it. I don´t have nothing else to do here but somewhere else and to make things real, visible, tangible and touchable to life and love.
I talk about me and about other things, daily, You can see it on my blogs. 
The time and the things.
Sometimes is "difficult" to put a word or a image in its right place. Other times because there´s so much things on mind that I just can´t put everything in the same place.

The means, the materials and the tools...

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