Hello Scotland
Edinburg Glasgow Aberdeen
Jane Fonda
Radio Television News information programmes
Elisiário Henrique
Aurora Diolinda
Toyota Japan
Henrique Aurora
English Channel
Road map
England Scotland Northern Ireland Ireland Wales
Egronomic distances
Casa da Moeda
Spain France Switzerland austria
Sailor 88
Interlakes Switzerland Suisse
Henrique Aurora Gonçalo Ricardo
Camping on the lake
Up she rises
TAP Airways
Economic debts
Perfect 37 60
Wake alone in the hills With the wind in your face It feels good to be proud And be free and a race That is part of a clan And to live on highlands And the air that you breathe So pure and so clean Wake alone on the hills With the wind in your hair With a longing to feel Just to be free It is right to believe In the need to be free It's a time when you die And without asking why Can't you see what they do They are grinding us down They are taking our land That belongs to the clans Not alone with a dream Just a want to be free With a need to belong I am a clansman Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom It's a time wrought with fear It's a land wrought with change Ancestors could hear What is happening now They would turn in their graves They would all be ashamed That the land of the free Has been written in chains And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman And I swear to defend And we'll fight to the end And I swear that I'll never Be taken alive And I know that we'll stand And we'll fight for our land And I swear that my bairns Will be born free And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom No, no we can't let them take anymore No we can't let them take anymore We've the land of the free Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom Is it right to believe In the need to be free It's a time when you die And without asking why Can't you see what they do? They are grinding things down They are taking our land That belongs to the clans Not alone with a dream Just a want to be free With a need to belong I am a clansman And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman Freedom Freedom Freedom Freedom And I know what I want When the timing is right Then I'll take what is mine I am the clansman

Highway to hell
Volkswagen HR Toyota
Wies'n-Hit on our way 'that suits me so much
There are other things about Scotland on my blogs... need to make a search to find them.
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