dimanche 10 mars 2024

The Dutch


Interesting to listen and to know what it´s like to live an homestead life.
Someone´s living, experience, learning, ideas, opinions and perspectives of life.

The Dutch Farmer - YouTube

The family tree.

When the children and grandchildren grow up life will be different and better for the parents, for the two people who work alone and a lot to raise a farm and a family. Work and life on the farm will be divided and done by the family and not just by two people.

Creating, raising and working a farm and being self-sufficient is not easy for just two people. Because it requires a lot of physical and mental effort and a lot of work time.

Many things to think and do and sometimes at the same time, because you can't leave for tomorrow what you have to do today. It was for yesterday.

It´s not easy for just two people to work and raise an homestead, a farm and to live off grid.

The fruits and rewards of labor is what makes people work, live and dream. It´s what makes sense, the meaning of life and the reason why people are here on earth and to live for. 

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