samedi 9 mars 2024


A little girl goes all alone into a bar, then like a woman she attacks a bar tender and a drink at the bar counter... 

It was visible that she got dropped, for safety concerns and reasons, off course. 

What she was looking for´ 

She was looking for some of the things that she likes so much and that she talks about it all the time. Things she´s missing. The house key and a boyfriend. Not like me, be understood.

Then went into the desert. Well, what to say about that´ She is a loner travel. She travels alone, just as she likes. She is homeless and a lonely heart. Feeling lonely, with thirsty and hungry, where did she go what did she do'

She made a search for some love, she ended dropped and... *ed

A *ing beautiful thing and I love the story.

People are never 100% prepared, mentally and physically for anything. Without knowledge and experience, things are even more difficult.

Winter race

Necessary and useful things. 


Drinks and food. 

Clothes, gloves and shoes. 


You tell me what you should have taken with you!?




 What did you learn´

Will be there another race´

There will be, ´cause you´re feeling defeated in your mind and heart.

You tell things even without writing and talking.

Love you



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