samedi 18 mai 2024




Sorry, it was cold and snowing and I drank a lot from the glass of wine.

Tinker Bell - We were travelling in our van when the firefly (Pirilampo) saw the Saint of the land of ice. 

Pirilampo - Look, over there the Saint of the land of ice.

As we approached Tinker Bell thought, wish and temptation took her to see the ice cream, the essence of that unknown land. And there she was in a warm sparkling light. Wondering the evening oracle, touching, feeling the unknown until then. Since then she has been living and loving the melting sin of the Northern Lights.

 Its been a long journey to find someone to love and to be loved. 

Since we met its been loving each other.

The priest

- Why is she putting her thoughts out´

She has the need to say these things. To express herself to someone. So, she talks with the trees of her feelings and thoughts in her garden. And she doesn´t hide it.

Not because she´s alone, in this case, but because she has this need and because she loves it.

The vampire teeth, its nuts. His mind, its nuts. 

Its nothing transcendent, intellectually different from any singular person from another and far world. 

Is kind, gentle and helpful.

Does things on his own way, with little thought and with his hands and how he knows to do them.

When he drives the yellow truck X , its nuts. 

This is it.

It doesn´t say anything but the truth.

All apologies

What else should I be All apologies What else should I say Everyone is gay What else could I write I don't have the right What else should I be All apologies In the sun In the sun I feel as one In the sun In the sun I'm married Buried Buried I wish I was like you Easily amused Find my nest of salt Everything's my fault I'll take all the blame Aqua sea-foam shame Sunburn with freezer-burn Choking on the ashes of her enemy In the sun In the sun I feel as one In the sun In the sun I'm married Buried Buried All in all is all we all are All in all is all we all are All in all is all we all are All in all is all we all are All in all is all we all are All in all is all we all are

Too late, now that its done and said.

Thank you Nina for loving the story and for looking at me.

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