mardi 28 mai 2024

My love


I asked her what did she do´

She´s saying to me that she woke up in Neverland with the kiss of a pumpkin.

Thank you

Capitan Hook

I 8 hookers

I'm not going to be kind and generous to you with that. 
Do you see me excited and smiling to you'
It can be understood, forgiven and accepted but not forgotten.
What's running on the waters of thought' What's running on the blood and the flesh of the body' 
Pictures of you and the picture in your eye. The cream on your face, oils on the water and gel duche on your body, shampoo on your hair, the detergente on your clothes. Tools for their job.
An easy prey because... the flesh and mind are weak due to loneliness and needs. Because you don't have a boyfriend. There's no one there with you but passing by. 

One touch and it will be a wreck and deluge but not very satisfatory. And guilty and heart feelings may, will fall on the body and thought.

No experience needed, if it is the case or "fear" of fail.

The mechanics and movements of love. 

Still virgin, only thought and wish on my ground.

I can sense in you that your thought is getting blue. That your eyes are looking up at the sky, that your feet are floating in the purity of the clouds. That the sunlight rays are lighting candles, that silent mystery and must are surrounding temptation and sin.
It's blue. A blue sense in me 

I can teach things, you can teach, we can learn together.

You can talk with me. I'd love to be and to talk with you. To listen to you and to say things to you.

Of course she's at the door where she played the child and the woman in her with me.

Stop doing it on your social. You tease me, true, I like you.

Don't like to see it on the street. Like porn, true, don't like whores, true.
No, I'm not saying anything, just what I think and say about it.

My girls.

His girlfriend, his wife, if you understand what he means,never on the street.

Its a *ing shit. What am I doing here, what are you going there´

Our thing can be real. So far unreal, invisible, untouchable, only fantasy and dream. 

Beautiful, can be.

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