jeudi 2 mai 2024

A house in the middle of the street.

 Life in a city


 If your house is sound proof.

But you can´t open a window. 


Neighbors, clowns, monkeys and snakes.

Street noises, paws, dogs and traffic.

A piece of shit

Cows, pigs, donkeys and horses are smelly.
Chickens are noisy and social. Ducks are social. Birds sing and socialise. Rabbits are always in their corner living their life as the goats.

I wouldn't buy a house there. I wouldn't invest a cent there.
You bought, now you can sell. Will it be worthfull' The investment, all the work done and the revenue that may come from it'
Beside it you still have your little farm house in that beautiful place. In need of some restoration or demolition to build something better.
It is not simple and easy to restore or to build a house. It requires knowledge, means, materials, tools and a lot of work and time. Unless you have workers to restore or build the house.
After that, maintainence, gardening, recreations and leisure, fishing and hunt. Things that you like to do. Some works in the middle.
Travels along side the country. Know the country sites, the land, the landscapes, people and culture... Foreign countries can be too on the agenda, depending on the budget. Like the food, the well-being, the place, the house and whatever needed for the living and pleasant life.


Working on the new youtube video.
Marathon, perhaps´
Saying anything.
 Being there.
All alone.

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