lundi 3 avril 2023


Travel to Vancouver to see what a sunset is like.

Visualise the Sun´s orbit and where it really lands. Visualise where the sunset and the temperatures paint the most beautiful beast. 
The Seventh Sky.



Please let her be quiet. In peace with herself and with the world. With the world that she´s living in.

Walk, hide and run. Hide and run. Run from there. 
Hide yourself but not in a hole.

Barefoot Girl, My Girl, Walk With Me Step By Step. Dance With Me, Move By Move. 
Let Me Caress You. Let Me Kiss Your Mind, Your Love. Let Me Love You.




Think of Me

Hannah, the music content is yours.

I know you love to sing.

I know you love to build things while singing and dancing. You love to create things and to build your fantasies, your dreams and your castles. 

You´re doing great things and building the greatest things you could ever build. Your castle, your home, your life. Keep doing it. I like love your content. Your work, I like love you.




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