dimanche 7 janvier 2024



🛟 🛟 🛟


The End

That is ok.  👽😎💓
You´ve sin, we pray for you.



FAB she said

He said.

I wasn´t good at School and I made a lot of mistakes. Maybe a good learning for the years that came after. Sure, it was.
I went travelling counting my pennys every day.
Then I met Tara...

Your neighbors are getting better ones, better persons and neighbors. People are starting to see something, something substancial. Finaly the house is under construction and other things will come in the spring and summer. They have been improving themselves, their skills, still learning, people are always learning and also the footage on the Youtube channel is getting better.
This week Portuguese words.

Hug them for me.

My girl, she is fab, butt she has some kind of a problem. And the problem is not me, butt them. Scientologies, candies and fireworks.

Oh, shit!?

It is a start

Go on, just that one.

Thank you

Yes, indeed.

I like what I see in you.

A family living and building their life. Isn´t it great, brillant´ In a beautiful place like Portugal.

I sense that you love the place and the people there. You said it. I can see and sense you that you´re happy there in the farm with your wife Tara and your two beautiful kids. Amazing how they´re growing and look like. They were born yesterday and look at them, love the kids. Time runs fast, it runs fast.

There's a possibility I'm not dead. I´ll be alive here and there for a slap or for a kiss from her. She´ll give the answers in time and there is no worry and rush to have them.
I know the answers that she´ll give to me. A slap and a kiss. She hates to love me.

Jean Johnny Henry Team



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