jeudi 22 février 2024

Quite love she said

 She´s talkin with me and answerin me.

I wrote, I said, I did, she´s writin, sayin and playin. She searchin, tryin to find her path, place and love. 

What do I say to myself´ 

Walk away, it´s not your path, your place, let her be and go. I let her be and I would let her go butt I know that she´s not and will not go on her own way. That things and her way will be as always it have been, traced and set by others and not by her.
From time to time she is snuggled, snuggled in a way that mostly affects and have affected her psychologically. But physical effects are also visible. Drops, scientology and fireworks.

I know she´s been lost in time and space for too long. I know she´s been feeling it, she feels lonely and lost.  
*ing shit, apart the foreign affairs that are set for her and where she slips and falls in. Please don´t make and let me say these things. Butt it´s nothing butt the truth, it is a beautiful piece of shit. Well, for them not for me, be understood.

I know there are two hearts, maybe three running in the waters of her soul. Her heart is in her thought, her heart for that someone that´s somewhere is in her thought. The present reality is this, there isn´t a heart in a real time. Only fantasy and dream. A real one, visible, touchable and living love. Her soul is somewhere. Sometimes with her, most of the times elsewhere, a reality. Who have been and is there with her´

She has a sweet heart.
By her smile I see and sense her tenderness, weakness and needs.

It's Oh So Quiet

You´re already in Norway, aren´t you´
Why you keep me late in time.´
Playing mind games with me.
Your stay in Stockholm´
Jonna wasn´t on your path´

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