vendredi 11 octobre 2024

I sent her a letter.


All the letters and words that I wrote on paper were written with a sense of the love I have for her.

I sent silver sand inside a box of mirrors. When she opens the box she will see, admire and question the silver sand I sent to her. She´ll touch, caress and feel the silver sand with the fingers of her hands and read it with the palm of her hands. She´ll receive the message that´s in the sand.

Here will be the place where she´ll spread the sand, where the message will rest for an infinite eternity.


Soon together, would be a moment...

What do you think and imagine it could be?

... if we ever meet with each other one day?

First things first


Silent moment

Thought, emotions

Touch, caress




No destination

Walking and talking

Driving a little far distance

Finding a garden on the top of a hill


Quiet and some breeze surrounding us, the wonders of the sunset in front of our eyes and the horizon snuggling and comforting us.

Sitting on a garden wall and talking between silent moments.

Love what you´re wearing today.

Ey girl

You beautiful woman

Wine to make you a little drunk with love. I hope you enjoy the waters of wine, the thought and the little drunkenness of love.

Here in your living room, whatever you want.
Think of something, something you would like to have, to do. Something that you wish and want.
I know you wish, I know you want something.
Ey love.

I prefere not to be alone

Better this way, please sit, unwind, feel free. raise your wings.


Kiss me

Angel and demon 


Je t´aime, voila c´est dit, je te le dis. 

Gray wall, white sofa, the fight between the angel and the demon.

Someone got into troubles. I thought so. The angel or the demon? Both? Was it love? An affair? Whatever it was there was a fight between good, evil, temptation and sin?


Walking in the middle of the streets and roads, grabbing each other words and whatever we put inside our souls.

See you soon, see you tomorrow, our fate. Today was an interesting and funny day. Today was our first meeting. Will it be the first and the last of our lives?

Goodbye, Thank you Sophie G

I leave room for whatever you may think, write, say and do.

One million thoughts, oh Sophie, if you knew my thoughts, my million wishes with you.

One please, to please.

If I had all the things for me I would have all the things for you. And if you wanted to, you'd have all the things and me.

Your words and by your words.

What your voice would say to me if I was there with you?

With yours and by your words.

Your book, your pages, your ink, your tour, travels, places, people, presentations and speeches.

Tell me about it. You can talk with me. 


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