jeudi 6 juin 2024

Trovoada e ralampagos


Thundering and lightning at the moment here.

Is it you Nina or is it me'

Are we clashing and flashing love' 

Thank you for being here.

Nina G

D Day June 6

10 PM 


Thundering and lightning but not raining.

She was lying on the green grass in a state of deep and pure love, caressing her body in delight and looking at me with all her tenderness and sweetness. Desiring, logging to touch me, to be touched, to be loved at that moment. In delight and with her thought bare in heaven she shrunk, groaned, trembled with pleasure and poured the milk of her delight in her hands.

It was not her last words. She´s been running along a river, lying on fields of green grass and she has signs and a couple of saw marks on her hands.

A little scratch in her leg too but nothing to be worry or to be sorry.

What I saw, I saw her swimming before midnight, sky's dark hour. She was swimming and kissing the night waters to make me jealous of her. How could I not be all wet with jealousy after midnight?

Well, I was wet because that night I dance with Susan, a girl I met two minutes to midnight while she was swimming to make me jealous of her. With Susan, It was amazing.

No place and space given to her, I'm still here writing these things while she's talking about vegetarian meals and beasts.

I wrote, you wrote, we wrote things.

We both did, wrote and said things. When and where will we meet to make things true, real' A reality and palpable, something that be touchable and felt between us'

She's been waiting.

Is there anything we can do'


Something, we can do something. Each one going away in different and own paths to end with all that may be there between us. Going away to end this relationship of ours. He did, wrote and said, she did, wrote and said.

Can we do something, something that may mean something to both of us' Can we be that someone to each other'

And yes, there was and there will be always someone to get you. Specially in your weak moments, loneliness and need, homeless, being and travelling alone and living with what and who may cross in your path, living within temptation and sin. The meat is weak and it runs in your blood and mind. Its human, it runs in human's blood, corp and mind. Knowing it its where you can be assaulted, where you can fall, where you're falling and have been assaulted. Because you don't have a boyfriend. Someone there with you, daily, being there, caring, living all the things and moments with you. You need it, everybody needs somebody, to love and to be loved, butt at the end what do you really have' Superficial and casual things. Do you like to be alone' Somehow yes, who doesn't like to be alone once in a while' In a place, for a moment, for whatever a silent and peaceful moment can be for a person. Who doesn't like wine, meat and napkins' Who doesn't like to play a love babe game' You like it and I like it too. Can we play' Live things, be kind or be rough with each other. With or without words but with action.  

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