jeudi 3 août 2023

M A E __ P A I


Your invitation

I accepted by mistake Your invitation I had to eat within the hour I had to crash in the season If I confused With the one who smiles not But, the one that is beautiful of course And, who says beautiful says for me You know I don't have all my reason If I'm always right You know I'm not a nice guy And I all that, all that You know I don't trust I don't trust myself You know I have no hope And I all that , All of it If you want we talk about you If you want we talk about me Let's talk about your future revenge that you will have on me Let's say interspersed with silence That we are well alone for once That we are well on our way to a dance It will go no further you see I accepted by mistake Your invitation I had to eat within the hour I had to crash in the season I accepted by mistake Your invitation I had to eat within the hour I had to crash in the season It remains to be seen if we draw A line a point in our space If I don't have all my reason If I'm always right You know I don't have all my reason If I'm always right You know I don't have all my reason If I'm always right



It´s me. 
I am the one with who she´s crossing the Bearing Sea.

Me... Lolita

Tu n´a pas´ 

Est-ce-que tu à´

My name is Lolita Lo or Lola, the same I am called Lolita When I dream of wolves, who bleeds When forks my tongue I have there A laugh as crazy as a phenomenon My name is Lolita Lo de vie, Lo with torrential loves It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita My name is Lolita Collégienne with stockings, methylene blues My name is Lolita Angry and not, half-cotton, half-wool Motus and mouth that does not tell mom that I am a phenomenon My name is Lolita Lo de vie, Lo with torrential loves It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita Lo-it-would-be-Lo-it-would-be-Lo-it-would-be-Lo-it-would-be-Lo-it-would-be-would-be-would-be-would It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita It's not my fault And when I give my tongue to cats I see others All ready to pounce on me, it's not my fault 
If I hear all around me L.O.L.I.T.A, me Lolita

Aurora Lola

                                       Red candles Green blanket    HR  Cologne Cathedral Deutschland
Rose carpet

NGR Ricardo Aurora Rui
HR Aurora room



For the Greater Good of God
She´s with me. I´m with her. 
We are travelling together in the Bearing Sea.

Are you a man of peace Or a man of holy war? Too many sides to you Don't know which anymore 

So many full of life But also filled with pain Don't know just how many Will live to breathe again A life that's made to breathe Destruction or defense A mind that's vain corruption Bad or good intent A wolf in sheep's clothing Or saintly or sinner Or some that would believe A holy war winner They fire off many shots And many parting blows Their actions beyond a reasoning Only God would know And as he lies in heaven Or it could be in hell I feel he's somewhere here Or looking from below But I don't know, I don't know Please tell me now what life is Please tell me now what love is Well, tell me now what war is Again, tell me what life is More pain and misery in the history of mankind Sometimes it seems more like The blind leading the blind It brings upon us more of famine, death and war You know religion has a lot to answer for Please tell me now what life is Please tell me now what love is Well, tell me now what war is Again, tell me what life is And as they search to find The bodies in the sand They find its ashes that are Scattered across the land And as the spirits seem to whistle on the wind A shot is fired somewhere another war begins And all because of it You'd think that we would learn But still the body count the city fires burn Somewhere there's someone dying In a foreign land Meanwhile the world is crying Stupidity of man Tell me why? Tell me why? Please tell me now what life is Please tell me now what love is Well, tell me now what war is Again, tell me what life is Please tell me now what life is Please tell me now what love is Well, tell me now what war is Again, tell me what life is For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God Please tell me now what life is Please tell me now what love is Well, tell me now what war is Again, tell me what life is Please tell me now what life is Please tell me now what love is Well, tell me now what war is Again, tell me what life is For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God For the greater good of God He gave his life for us He fell upon the cross To die for all of those Who never mourn his loss It wasn't meant for us To feel the pain again Tell me why? Tell me why?


Leah She's not a terrorist She's not anti-terrorist She's not fundamentalist She's not alone on earth She's not convenient She's not like Aude She's not cold She's not hot for a realistic night She's not creditor She's not mean But damn what is she boring Leah She's not temporary She's not like my mother She's a transient She's a pacifist She disagrees She's passionate She's not fut'-fut'She's pathetic She doesn't like all my tics She's not lonely She's not supportive She's lazy She's not reciprocal She's not blistering She is not from the PACA region She just has to fly away Léa She's Parisian She's not presentable She's not pretty She's not ugly either She's not on the left She's not on the right She's not clumsy Leah She's not a terrorist She's not anti-terrorist She's not pretty She's not ugly either She's not always funny She's not free She's not tempted She's paternalistic She's not inspired She's patient She's a pasticheuse She's not a target She doesn't do politics Léa She's Parisian She's not presentable She's not pretty She's not ugly either She's not on the left She's not on the right She's not clumsy She didn't steal it She wasn't so hot She's a hobby She's not stable She's passable She's everywhere She says she'll leave She didn't even come She is partisan She is not out And that I have not already told you That she is Parisian Which Parisian She is not terrorist She is not terrorist She is not terrorist Léa She's Parisian She's not presentable She's not pretty She's not ugly either She's not on the left She's not on the right She's not clumsy


I'm Taking You to the Wind

Come on, I'll take you to the wind I'm taking you over people And I want you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to bring yourself back before That you are there from time to time And I would like you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to call me more often That you sometimes take the lead And I want you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to be the one I hear Come on I take you above the people And I would like you to remember Our eternal love Artificial I would like you to bring yourself back before That you are there from time to time And I would like you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to bring yourself back before You are there from time to time And I would like you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to bring yourself back before That you are there from time to time And I would like you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to bring yourself back before That you are there from time to time And I would like you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial I would like you to bring yourself back before You are there from time to time And I would like you to remember Our love is eternal And not artificial



E will not remember this for the rest of her life.

Family Ties

She has afraid that something bad can happen there. So, she´s sending a sign of worry and warning. She´s worrier that something can happen to her. She doesn´t know what´s going on there. She knows and she wants it. She´s having an elephant 10 11 19 care and under the  influence. She doesn´t talk about anything else on her social media. But she´s afraid. She doesn´t want to die. She´s scared.
She doesn´t know anything about the dog that have been with her. She´s between clowns that she doesn´t know who they are and from where they came. Friends. That are doing their job. Firing her up. Eating her and burning her. A self service for them. Because she´s high and inconscient and doesn´t know what she´s doing. She´s doing things because she´s burning. She´s sinking with her mouth and. The reason she´s there. She likes it. She likes Sam.

The Paparizzi


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