Name: False
Age: False Older
Hair color: False Grey
Skin: Old
Table: Silicon
Criminal History:
Drug trafficking Meth Amphetamines Cocaine Prostitution Peg1011Eak he got payed Pornography Corruption Police Government Cartels
Sam´s Mexico
Job: Sam
Account: Sam
It didn´t start in Mexico.
Mirrored glass
- Walls - Tiles - Pipes - Ceilings - Fans - Lamps - Cables - Electrical holes - Appliances - Furniture - Windows
Different colors
Trees - Cabins - Airbnb - Motel rooms - Workplaces
They can see you but you can´t see them.
You go blind with mirrors, lights and depths.
Chefs - Food - Crew - Guest - Diamonds - Cocktails - Massages - Rooms - Parties
Hard Disc
Data - Archives - Files - Private files
You should shave your yussy for me and not for the other me.
I want to Kiss her.
It didn´t start in Mexico.
We live in a world. A world of Humans, animals and extraterrestrial forces. A world where civilizations most likely exist due to the evolution, knowledge, learning and the development of humans as time goes by. We live in a world where most people are more given to live in civilizations and animals more given to live in the wilderness. Each being in its place and space. By preference and by own choice. But for various reasons this does not always happen to everyone.
My girl was a civilized person. The time and the turbulences of life in the early days of her professional life. The path and way of life she chose to follow after the turbulences (to travel and to live a nomade and lonely adventure life in the wilderness) changed her personality, her being. The turbulences happen before but the lately turbulences have been much more significatif for the change. It boosted her. Who did it´ She´s dazed and confused. Unconscious. Out of her own being. It changed her. It´s destroying her being and she´s not far from it.
Her personal care. Her behavior and atitude. Her tastes are no longer selective. Her clothes, makeup and posture were lost in time. Things that she doesn´t give a shit anymore. Whatever and whoever may come. No matter what, no matter who. She have been lonely for too long. That´s the truth. Lonely. Having casual, occasional, superficial and insignificant meetings here and there along the way. All alone, needy, hungry and desperate. She needs care. She needs someone by her side. Daily. She needs to share things. It´s what she does on her social media. She lives for it. She lives from it. It´s all that she talks about. She needs much more than it. To stop somewhere. To stop her travelling. To have a real and truthful boyfriend, please. A place to live. A place to build a home and a family. To share things. To share life. To share something it´s better than doing by yourself and to yourself. To share something with someone it´s better. To give is good. You feel good when you give something to someone. When you give you receive. To receive is better. When someone do something to / for you, you receive something. It´s a feeling. You have feelings. When feelings come from someone or from something the feelings are way better felt. The touch. To be touched, that´s what you need. Love Talking.
I see you, you see me.
I love you, you love me.
She´s barefoot because she likes to be barefoot. She likes to walk barefoot. Even when she steps in on a thorn on her way, she likes it.
She lost the sense of things. She lost some pages of her book. Of her being. Pages of a woman.
Since the Big Bang the clock has been clicking. Running. The Big Bang it´s only a theory but humans know and without any doubt that something happen in the inner and deep space of the universe. The creation, the origin of earth, of life, of life on earth. Who made it´ Humans believe that Gods made it. Created and originated earth and life on earth. Who else´ The clock is clicking but soon or later it will stop. Earth will have it´s end. Humans must find another place in the universe to live. The beginning and the end. The start and the finish. What goes up must go down. The rise and fall. What goes around comes around.
It doesn´t seam that she will stop it soon or later. She likes to be on her own, to travel, she likes the adventure. Soon or later she´ll fall. When and where´ Time will tell and she´ll share it with the world. She´ll not keep it in the street corner. She´ll never find that someone and that place to end this piece of shit that she´s doing.
She´s having fun. She likes to do these things to me.
Sam merda
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