mercredi 22 mars 2023




Meet you at the Gas Station in 3 days...

Nuno Gonçalo

At that somewhere place.


See you there. On the Road Map

The clock is tickling every second and in every second i caress you. How many caresses do i give to you in one minute´

How many kisses´

In each of our hands the clocks are tickling. Tickling in different ways and times and in different places. Since when have we been in love´ When and where it happen´ The time that will not come back. The time that we´re living in. The time and the place to make it true.
Time and love is in our hands. Should we think about it´ Are we both in the same thought´
What should we do´
In a time travel our souls found each other. Now we must search and find the place to meet and to make it true. To turn it into a realty. We should believe and fight.
Am i dreaming a dreamy dream´ A fantasy, an adventure with you´ Am i dreaming love´ Am i dreaming about you´ Are you thinking and dreaming about me´ Are you in a dreamy fantasy, in a dreamy adventure and dreaming the same dream as me´ Are you dreaming love´
How and where are you in this moment of time´
Alone, without pair. Without a hand and a loved heart to love and to take care of you. Somewhere, homeless, weak and vulnerable. In the cold, without shelter, without home and living between storms.
There are times when you wonder, you got nothing to win but lose if you don´t do something.

Mom please advise me. What should i do´ Should i do it´
Eva, it´s time. It´s time. It´s time for you to find that someone and that somewhere place. You should give time, a moment, place and space to someone for it.

  Someday, somewhere We'll find a new way of living Will find a way of forgiving Somewhere There's a place for us Somewhere a place for us Peace and quiet and open air wait for us Somewhere There's a time for us Someday there'll be a time for us Time together with time to spare Time to learn, time to care Someday, somewhere We'll find a new way of living Will find there's a way of forgiving Somewhere, somewhere, somewhere There's a place for us A time and a place for us Hold my hand and we're halfway there Hold my hand and I'll take you there Somehow, someday, somewhere   

Mom, i´m afraid. Afraid to enter in a relationship. 
Are you´
You adventurous single girl, You adventurous single woman. You single traveller.
Eva, i´m not so shore of it. Are you afraid of him´ JUMP ING´


  Somehow, someday, somewhere  


Like, in my thought will remain tickling. He said.
Love. Now i´m not so sure of it. Am i´ Am i in love with her´ He wonders.
No, i´m not in love with you. I´m in love with myself. She said.

In those moments that the clock is tickling in your mind, do you have that someone on your side´ No, you don´t have. With who do you walk, talk and play in those moments´ Vilk´ With who´ With nobody. You play with yourself. Don´t you really need someone on your side´
You truly have a heart in you, but you don´t have that someone´s heart to love you and to take care of yours. ´Cause you´re alone.
I believe there are thousand of hearts out there that are tickling. Chose the one. The one and the only one. There can be only one.

There´s no time for us when love must die. 
What do you think about it´
There´s no time for us when love must die. 
If there´s a common sense and common love´ If there´s love from both sides. Should love die´

SHIT, it really pisses me off. True.
Your disobedience. The things you do to me.

Tell me what shitty things you still have to do´
Stop it.

 A dreamy clock is tickling in your hand. Each tickling start with my hand gently caressing your face. You look at me in the eyes and in the mirror you see a fire burning inside. You read the love letter that´s written inside, seeing your face in every page. In the mirror you see your eyes and your lips. Your design and the words that are written on your body. Softness, beauty and desire. You´re dreaming and wondering. Having feelings, thoughts. In those thoughts do you feel the desire to be caressed and to feel my lips´ Or do you want to say goodbye´ 
In those moments, do you feel the desire to caress me, to feel my lips and to kiss me´

Do you have time´ Does your life have time´ Are you living within times schedules and time scales´ I don´t think so. You´ve been just travelling.
Time, no boyfriend, no love. You are alone without pair. No place, no home, you are homeless.
Time, time to make way for the birth of a child. You are getting older. How much time is left´ The hope remain the same in our hearts.



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