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One time in my room i shave my girlfriend with a Gillette in a place anywhere near of that gorgeous and sensible thing that women have.
No one ever got so near of my sensible thing as he got.
He painted it.
Thank You Eva

Sincerely Geva, i didn´t thought that you were there and here sharing these things and bodies thoughts on your social media. It seam to be true. You´re really there and here. And painted on my room wall.
No, you don´t need to tell me...
Summer time, a cabin and a beach near by. Bars and drinks.
I was far from thinking that you would ever tell to me to fuck off.
The Voice
The door and the windows of the wilderness.
Run baby, Run
I was walking from dune to dune and then i saw a lonely and beautiful girl tanning / sunbathing / in the sun. In a blink or two my eyes stopped following my path through the dunes. My eyes only could see and follow all her body lines and nothing else. My feet got chained and i could not walk. The most beautiful moment of my entire life. That girl, lying naked on the sand, beautiful, with eyes closed. I saw her shaved pussy and i imagine it with a cross in the middle.
I like fashion and i think she likes it too. All my thoughts and dreams are with her. I wonder where her thoughts are´ I wonder where are we going from here´ Swimming maybe´
I´m far. So far away from her.
Now you do.
I´m inventing stories.
I´m telling trues.
I´m making shoulder´s business
I´m making money.
It have been a social round table.
I pay and i get payed for sex.
I´m not that angel i seem to be.
Trapped and vicious.
social sex and business
Trapped and vicious.
I told you don´t need to do it. Believe me. You can double it and make a full hand of zeros ooooo.
Trapped and vicious.
Now you do.
How does he know´
Now i do.
She thinks that i don´t know how to pleasure women.
Now i do.
Now you do.
I´ll be glad and will be pleasant to me to please you.
What´s that thing´
Yes, i can do to you and please you.
Now she knows what da fuck is that thing.
The cross in the middle of the sensitivity.
Stop doing these things to her.
The body and mind disturbances.
She knows
Tell me where did you sleep last night´
Now she does know from where the boyfriends come from. From a corporation. A filed date book.
For whom they work for´
Awarding her with substances. To get her out of her mind and horny for orn prizes and to trappe her to do Sam´s services. Giving but doing their scientology job. Which is sucking her beautiful brain soul.
Fingers up and other kind of stuff.
She thinks i don´t know all this.
I tell her. I know enough. However i´d like to know much more and i´d love to be a part of her stories.
You know something about me.
Some things i´ve telling you.
Things they tell you.
You know something.
Windows 80%
G O%
You have a little youth trauma. Because when you were young someone told you that you had a mustache. Like Your daddy.
University... A relationship that didn´t work. You struggled... Jobs in different places and countries. Travelling and being alone.
You went to Pakistan and you got married. For one year. Wasn´t it´ Well i would be happy with it. And even for only one day. For only a moment with you.
Since you left Pakistan you´ve been losing self estime. Your life went a little bit out of the rails.
All aboard! Ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa! Ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay, ay... Crazy, but that's how it goes Millions of people living as foes Maybe it's not too late To learn how to love and forget how to hate Mental wounds not healing Life's a bitter shame I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I'm going off the rails on a crazy train Let's go! I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools I've watched all the dropouts who make their own rules One person conditioned to rule and control The media sells it and you live the role Mental wounds still screaming Driving me insane I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I know that things are going wrong for me You gotta listen to my words, yeah, yeah! Heirs of a Cold War, that's what we've become Inheriting troubles, I'm mentally numb Crazy, I just cannot bear I'm living with something that just isn't fair Mental wounds not healing Who and what's to blame? I'm going off the rails on a crazy train I'm going off the rails on a crazy train
Divorced and alone, no compagnon, no boyfriend and travelling without schedules and scales. In the middle of it you slept in the street with a couple of drinks. Nothing out from this world.
Then you start your long travel adventure. You met with some people and in in one of those meetings you know Mickey Mouse the mechanic team worker. Bla la bla you liked him, you still like him bla la bla.
Due to crossroads and traffic congestions things start to dismantle. You were following your travel adventure and your road map. He was entering in other crossroads and traffic issues. Bla bla la. Because you were travelling alone you got lazy. You left and you have put many things behind your back. Your personal care was the most significant and visible thing that you have put apart.
Your body and your personal being has changed a lot. Since the beginning of your long travel adventure.
Body and skin care.
Water, oils, shampoo, creams, make up and substances.
It affect and damage your skin health. Your skin and hair grow health.
Now you´re reaching, you´ve reach the lowest point of your life. Of your person and being. Your friend Sam did it. Because Sam has a Scientology job to do. Sam´s and other clowns sickness is the sickness of many people. Because you´re in Sam´s land and not in the Americans land.
She thinks he doesn´t know it. She really wants and she´s really aiming to do it with him. So, she's going to continue to do business wit him. Not only to do it but also because she wants some
Sleep and long walks in the streets. Cold, days and nights.
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