After a few drinks and after being alone for a while, I wake up in a drink.
Right here, at the border.
She cries & Smiles
I belong to them. I´m not free.
Wind - The parfum to cover the smelly shit ordor
Deep coffee hole abyss
GranPhone call for 1 Gran
The surprise went from that doorr.Twice in one shoe.
Now that vibe seem to be, but so hard to say goodbye to a revenge mount.
Jealousy in Greek

This colours

2SHoles Gray
Tell me about the rnb´s decorations.
Every rnb have different colours!
This colours

This colours
Why did you post publicly this video footage on the youtube?
Were you alright´ Of corse not.
Does this make sense?
Some things may make sense. But looking at you, you don´t look at the right state of mind. This person that´s speaking on this video footage isn´t you. Is not you that is there talking, is someone else.
She´s Doomed G

Ride The Sky With Me Please

She teases me. She makes me say, do and write privately these things on my blog and not on my diary. The things she does and the things she says on her social media teases me. She teases me.
Now i´m doomed.

My future is in her hands and no longer in my hands.
What are we doing to each other´
Are we both wrong´
Eva what´s going on with you´
What are you doing to yourself and to me´
What are you doing in your life and on your social media´
What are we both doing to each other´
Between the different places and the distance that we´re from each other, is there anything that could be so right if we were living together and loving each other´
Eva, what´s going on and what are you doing´
Eva, tell me.

Yes, i´m Gin Grott and i love you.

Gran like a door, a hand, a sofa, a table, a desk and an office.
Who´s on the book for the next match´
Green Orange Blue Red
That´s my book, my story, my paint.
Best or Fine Arts
Red Light District
´s * guys ols.
Girls. Not guys. I don´t like guys. I like girls.
YI Bottle.
Silver & Gold card.
She got jealousm.
Asking him what was he doing.
She finds me as one of her loves.
She´s in love. So, find the way to be with her.
I found her. I don´t think she found me. But a beef tail.
All boring things blow at that wall.
Chasing my love for her she went for a little revenge.
She always aims for things that may blow her mind. She likes loves it.
She blows the Gum
She kneels at me and in full swing her hungry jumped into the shopping.
´Cause she likes it.
I want to see GG
I want to talk with G
I want to open the door to G
But i´m closing the window
First thing to do
Buy a mobile phone
Buy a travel ticket
Go the the telegraph road to meet with her.

The blanket and the pillow.
The silence. My silence. Your silence.
Eva, i love you.
The trail
I found the trail, the place and the time to be with you.
I found my love, I found you. You don´t find me as your lover. You find me as... please, answer it to me.
Do you hate me now´
This message makes you hate me´
I want to go to Heaven Evanly.
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