dimanche 11 août 2024

Writing some drafts.


The wardrobe

To dress up a dress is not the most difficult thing for her, what is difficult for her is to find a space in her wardrobe to hang the dress.

Beauty is in a person's being, is inside a person. A dress is an accessory, it's a string on the body of a guitar. A person needs to touch and feel another person, needs to be touched and feel the other. The beauty of the music notes on a music stuff has to be seen and appreciated in different ways and in different points of view.  A guitar has to be played with care, as a dress has to be dressed gently and sensually, often torn. Music notes have to be played melodically and sound like a hoarse voice and a body that moans. A door is a passage to another side, for who wants to love someone. A wardrobe is a clothing apartment where all these things are and happen. The being, the beauty, melody and love. 

The wardrobe is the clothing apartment of her exterior beauty.

How much she wants it?

There´s only one way to find out.

T-shirt, socks, she walks, she smiles, she´s half way, it's really happening, one day she´ll arrive in my arms without a piece of clothing and i´ll hold her.

Our meeting in that corner, this could be the place, where pages will turn, where words will be written around the pages, for good, for love or for the worst. o__o

Attaching fantasy, dreams and leisure. Definitely these doors are realizing a difficult time. A time to open or to close the doors of hell is the question before going for the night. Midnight at home, before the clock reaches midnight you'll have to be at home. Now with 18 butt i'm still your mom. Butt before going for the night a lot of talk. Not a big of a deal, love is not a deal, it´s 16.

Confused, a complicated feeling, a chapter of time. A lot of reflection, of thought, stay or go? Discussion time, a good thing to do, exchanging thoughts and ideas, whether to stay or go and come back after midnight to her new home.

Blue cake quickly bitten, quickly devoured, still young butt not too young as she seems to be, an angel. Review in slow motion, love when the Earth´s skies bloom in wonders over the mountain are the greatest places to be, to love someone and to be loved.

I´m about to say a word, I´m turning a page, leaving home and moving to another home, not yet, butt will happen very soon.

I want to talk about it. There are walls so close of me, tempting me, glasses on the floor, eyes at the ceilings, earrings that will be listen and make the pages turn. A diary will be written, one day a book.

Expensive dress out of the wardrobe

first lesson



dance steps


fashion, sensuality

not the last lesson

a kiss

no time for break ups

spring and winter breaks and falls

The lettuce

Sitting by the window and working on the deadline of a time and work. A time of design, project and construction that´s now on the deadline. 

The lettuce is now in another time, time of decoration, house decoration time.

The light is locked inside the pantry, I wonder what is she doing there? Not growing lettuces but making a salade. Encouraging the vegetables line but considering the spice and the sauce. Things to give a go, to put on the table. Plates with a smart look, decorated with salade, smelling and tasting good, there´s horse meat between the fork and the knife. Wine and napkins with some talk gaps in between.

Another day at the land, an open window, new decoration, walking shoes, dejá-vu, an empty field, her shoes have been here before, today tomorrow where they will be?



Dream is still far, we´re climbing the stairs. We´ll find our way and get there somewhere in time.

The walls are moving and we´re seeing the puzzle of our life time here passing on the walls that we´re building. The fields where we walk, what we listen and see, what we talk, do and build.

Finishing these walls before getting back to the roof.

We could have taken the old house down, build a new house and then build some walls around the new house with pieces, stones and the dreams of the old house.

It would have been a new house in between walls of a castle.



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