mercredi 14 août 2024



A woman's light is all that I need.

Then, everything else will light and will be done with time.

Yes, the light it's all I need to light and follow my path.


Yes, you need one, you tell me what do you need and want?

The land is important to you, what more?

The one. The one with who you'ill live, build and share friendship and love.

Definately the one of the things and the only one you need. Everything else will be done in place and with time. For it you need the one, definately.

It all will depend in what you really want to do in your life.

What do you want?

Tomorrow you'll be the one who will tell me from where the wind come from.

One of the things that I want to know too, is where did you sleep last night?

At your land or at some other creepy place?

Please, don't tell me the coordinates.

Carpithan Mountains 

GPS mountain mistake?

It's a good place and land. Poland.

Tell me what's happening there? What have been happening there?

The bliss, 

you've been in the bliss. 

following the bliss.

Am I in the bliss with you?

And if I could find it with you?

Dude, decrypt the crypt of inspiration. Do it.

The light, that's the bite.

I suppose a bark of a genuine man's bite.

Easy to see what's on a glamorous mind.

It's making me like a crazy moon walking aimsely into nowhere, full of wonders, thoughts and questions.

Where to go and what to do? Something has to be done, something must happen.

We have to know what do we really want to do. Lets not precipitate things and do things that we didn't wanted to do and fall in rabbit holes.

The presence of bad company is a bad omen. It makes a person deviate from the path and enter a dead end. It turns off a person's light, it turns off the fantasy, dream and life. When a person looks around and everything that's fell and seen is a bad omen, the person has to leave that place and look for other place. Have to look for his own path and light.

Who are you talking to? Who are you talking about and what? What do you want?


I want to know if you're really here?

NGR 161

In thought I think you're butt i'm still in doubt with it. Is it real, is it true? Or are you somewhere else, in other blog but corresponding some things with me.

And if you're corresponding with me, talking with me, or using my things to talk with other?

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