jeudi 27 février 2025


Et puis je l´aime. Je l´aime quand elle apparaît, quand elle se présente sur mon chemin comme âme. Comme un signe, un esprit, un message et foi. Pluie, l´eau, son âme. 

Une âme et je sais qu´il y a des rêves, quand les porte du ciel s´ouvrent.

Cette porte s´est ouvert à mon arrivée, cette pluie, l´eau, son âme. Et je sais qu´il d´autres portes, les du ciel et de l´enfer. Il faut être sage et choisir le chemin, parmi de nombreux chemins, même s´il faut faire le long chemin. Les bonnes passages, parmi les mauvais passages. Et les bonnes endroits, parmi les mauvais endroits pour poser bien les pieds sur terre. Il faut trouver le bon chemin, les bonnes clés et portes.


And I love her. I love her when she appears, when she presents herself on my path as a soul. As a sign, a spirit, a message and faith. Rain, water, its soul. A soul and I know that there are dreams, when the gates of heaven open. This door opened when I arrived here today, this rain, the water, of its soul. And I know there are other gates, the gates of heaven and hell. One must be wise and choose the path, among many paths, even if it means taking the long way. The right passages, among the bad passages and the right places, among the bad places, to put the feet on the ground. 

You have to find the right path, the right keys and the right doors.

Et oui, la pluie tombe depuis l’aube. Depuis le 27 de Février. Aujourd´hui 28.

Je l´aime.


Je suis au noir.

I'm not worried about the green card. Right now I'm worried about other things that are more important to me.

The clowns are worried with my green card, so you too.

Hey girl, what are you trying to do?

Hey girl, you know I don´t really know.

Something, I guess, something.

I know something... what I´m doing and why. ´Cause I know what I want. I know what I have and must do. Otherwise I´ll be here for another thousand years.

Are you asking something to someone?

Do you want to travel somewhere?

Not this one, not that...

You tell me who and what? If you want?

If this is not true shoot to kill me.

My Junk was your junk along the time, along your travelling time.

Understandably not everything is me or it was me.

Sending the poet´s poems to the stars field.

Do you wonder who have been there with you since you left London? Who took you to Pakistan... to a desert island, to the Mexican border, to Icarus, to the Washington´s desert walls? ...


Understandably not everything is me or it was me. But, someone did and has been doing it.

Lately you have been having the junk of others.


Thought, movement, location, destination, post, message, what you are going to say and do, write, where do you go... where are you and what are you doing...

There's still work to do in Rússia. It's not totally done yet. Yes, true, some things were done, mostly in Rússia Society, economy, government... a lot of corruption, many dollars rublos rubles circulating in general society, economy, business, institutions, government, corrupted Russians doing Sam´s job, drugs, prostitution, and on the subway grounds. bombs. So peace and time for now, to complete and finish the work that's under way and before the third world war that will be a thousand times more destructive and deadly than the first and the second world wars together.

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