dimanche 22 septembre 2024



Cement blocks were the best option, as they are stronger and better support the weight of all the wood that is being used to build the upper part of the seed room.

Bricks would do it.


Not on our way.

She loves...

Home run build. 


We are good.

The hat is not centered and sweet.

One of those days, without sense we walk in different ways. But in the end we were in the same place.

Its being a long walk together...

Good and dangerous times.

I'm good, its an option.




(She got nervous while talking)


He wants. That, he liked.

She was in an uncertain future.

The squirrel 

Back to where we lived, there was a stair with a window, I walk...

There was a little bit of a drama.

I've got something to tell you.

Ce, there was a kind of a union. Things were divided in my mind. Keep walking or close the window and end the stair walk building. Well, something special made for me. But with what propose?

Easy way, well you learned something. How to cement blocks.

Where are you going?

I'm going to visit Susan and then I'm going to the market with her. 

There's a background around us. Unknown, I don't know who.

There was something, I walk.

Oregon, before Alaska.

Some questions there.


I would live in the chicken coop, but now I think I would love to live in the safe room.

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