dimanche 28 juillet 2024


 Its being interesting and pleasant to follow your channel and you.

I can learn, I'm  learning some things from it and from you. It give some vision and ideas of what it is like to live there and what things people should and can do to live in a place like yours.

Hello simple ones.

A friend, a quiet piece of land and a confy home to live.

A source of water, because you have a well.

Power, because you have a power solar system.

Basic and necessary needs and two major and expensive bills that you don't pay for. Of course you have some expenses with it, maintenance mainly and with some other necessary materials and tools.

Gardening is much less expensive than if you buy food on a store. You only need seeds, organic compost and to work the land. You have land, water and sunlight.

Definitely She is a Gardener. The garden grows and produces its vegetables and fruits. She definitely studied and learned something about gardening.

She has culinary knowledge, as well how to preserve food, and skills too. It is visible in both of your faces and perceptive in your words that the food is good and tastes good.

The vast diversity of wild animals living in the region.


Some aim will hunt and target a moose, a caribou, rabbits, ptarmigans... and it seem there's good aim.


Salmon, pike and trout to name a few. Trout was the only one that I taste and eat and is delicious. And the size of the fish, two salmons would last for a two weeks of my meals. With Rice, of course. No vegetables, spicies and sauces. A moose for one or two persons, would last at least six months, a year in the fridge. A caribou, a salmon...

Meat and fish for free, without taxes, you only need, a vehicle for travel, the tools and some skills to hunt and fish. Well it's a lot, a vehicle, gas and tools... has some costs.

Gas that is one of the most expensive bills there, beside the land that you're paying at the moment. I wonder if there are refineries and pipelines in the region. If it is a state and government business, if there are thieves there that are stiling people´s wallets and in their budgets expences too' 

The food is also very expensive there. Prices that you can buy 3 by the same price in any other place in the world. I wonder who own the food market there. The state, the government'

Wild fruits

Mechanic, building and electrician knowledge and skills. It seem to be there. It seem he has it. Materials and tools too. Still learning but things there seem to be working, running and well.

Four seasons

Sun, wind, rain, cold, snow.

Land, home, confort, quiet and peace.

Even knowing that there were some movements, some wonder and hunt around the house.

Bow and his friend, the birds and the cats.

Summer would like to hear a word or two. I know they would.

Sun, social and beer.

3 words

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