dimanche 7 juillet 2024

Lil and I

No one has ever written a book in so few minutes of time, people think, write, rethink and rewrite texts, the pleasure of writing and the magic lies in rethinking things, writing and the context of texts, We learn and improve our thinking and being, our words and texts.

And I've so much to learn and to improve.

Thinking, words, gestures, love.

Moment, words, touch and movement in the context of things.

 Last night Lil and I went for a walk together, with formal suits on our bodies and bare feet. We walked and walked in the dark of the night, through dark waters and dark fields, we talked about the path and things we were seeing, doing, feeling and living together in those moments along the way. Then we found a bottle that got us love drunk thinking...

Yes, I felt her ass with love, well, hardly, and she didn't like that I had touched her,  she slapped me in the face instantly and hardly, I almost fall on the ground. No, I didn't fall, She lay on me, hugged me, kissed me and told me I like you, please slap my arse and please me, love me, I 8 to love you, I love to 8 you.

That night we didn't end 8ing each other but there's a time to live and a time to die. We didn't die there, I didn't die there but years later peaceful at home listening her cry, She was there holding and kissing me till my last moment on this earth. I release her in that moment, She was free again. She died alone as it was her wish leaning against the stone of my grave. Then we both lifted our spirits and souls and now we're living together a happy life in the heaven's.


Heaven is a place on Earth, love is a place on the heart, heart, a personification of love, one of its many meanings, love is first felt on human body by touch, then felt by words, touch and feelings that are communicated, transmitted to human minds and souls as pleasure, delight, as love.


Time, time doesn't say anything to me or does'

Yes, it does, there's no time to waste, life time runs fast, quickly. You have to love someone to live. Without love you are nothing, you lived nothing, You have to love someone to be loved and to live life.

Love isn't a flirt, is much more than that, but it all begins with a flirt, someone you see and met on a street, on a garden, it all begins with a single look, a single gesture and word.

You love me for my wrongs, for all the wrongs and the bad things I do with and to you. You 8 me because I'm so right and good with and to you. 

You love and 8 me because I love you, because I am and do all these things.

Right, wrong, good, bad...

Bed of roses

This corner looks beautiful, the walls, the stairs and the flowers.

That olive tree will live forever there. The other tree didn't. It will be the olive's forever home.

I wonder what's on the mind of that home road'


How have been the new chickens' Have they been as social and socializing with you as the others' Is there any fox walking around the chicken coop'

The treehouse, where the children have being playing' I would say all over the farm. Your children are growing so fast and looking so beautiful and happy. Crusoe walks along side his father and mother. He´s watching them, learning and showing signs that he wants and likes to play with things and to work. He´ll be there, cause he shows how happy he is and how he wants do the things that his parents are doing in the farm.

A not welcome thought. They are moving in tomorrow.

Will the pigs run after the chickens or will they make a siesta

Os três porquinhos. The pigs, the Scooters Trotters.

Please do not break the porcelain / ceramic pigs.

It can be an intelligent wealth sign but also a wallet need.

Cute while little, smelly when they grow and it will atract the annoying flies.

The feed and all the work that will have to be done. Will you make a feast with their meat or will they live there with you and forever'

This problem and annoying thing is mostly seen and felt in the northern countries in the summer seasons. The wild animals that live in those places, the dead animals, (predators and hunting), rotting flesh and the smell atract bugs, annoying.

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