mardi 31 octobre 2023

Lisbon today.


Avé Maria

I say / I mean, Lisbon. 
When I cross from the south the river and the city to which I arrive opens as if from its name was born. Its nocturnal expanse opens and rises in its long glow of blue and the river in its body heaped with hills. I see it better because I say it. Everything is better because I say it. Everything shows better its being and its neediness because I say so. Lisbon with its name of being and not being. With its intricacies of insomnia and tin astonishment and its secret glow of theatrical things. Its conniving smile of intrigue and mask as the wide sea to the west expands, Lisbon teetering like a great boat. Lisbon cruelly built along its own absence. I say the name of the city, I say to see.

Hello again. I´m here.

Saint George Castle

NGR school... .. nocturnal classes ... 37

Chit Susy



Gil Vicente

Alto da Barca do Inferno

Gil Vicente wrote Alto da Barca do Inferno in 1517 (Boat" of hell auto), placing the devil and the angel side by side in front of a parade of souls. A devil and an angel coexisting peacefully because maybe god and the devil talk to each other often. Five hundred years later, are they still alive? Will we meet at doomsday?

Massamá school Gil Vicente studies.

Gil Vicente

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Aurora sister. 
Aurora childhood friend and neighbor in Lisbon.

The eyes

Blue eyes


Our Lady of the Mount

Forest of Deception

Saint George Castle

Rio Tejo Tagus River 
April 25 Bridge

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