mardi 3 octobre 2023



Loly Pop

 Feelings of loneliness and tears.

Family and friends?

You feel loneliness, you are not alone. 

Above, the sky. On your feet, the cottage. A quiet beautiful place. A house, a coziness. You are not homeless. 

Your feelings of loneliness?
Do you have a friend, a companion?
I think that is the source of your feelings.

You have family and friends.

The cottage

You have been working, restoring things, building the place where you live. Things that you love so much to do. You are imaginative, creative and you have the ingenuity, art and tools to make great and beautiful things.

You have been doing a lot. There´s always a lot of things to do. And when things are done in a pleasant way. You are doing it cause your are building your own place and life, cause you really love to do it.


The two sides of you.

The image that is mirrored in a mirror. Your person. And what is beyond the mirror. On the other side of the mirror. What is not so visible, so known of your person, that is in the depths of your personality and being.

I think this is what you write and what you say about yourself on the Lupine´s page. You and her.

Talking heads?

Is it?

Who´s there? There with you?

Who´s talking? You? Who else?

Do you listen to them?

You said. "I don´t know what i´m doing."

Who´s there knocking at your door?

Who´s there buzzing in your head?

Who´s there filing your glass?


I feel for you

Do you have a companion?

Do you have a secret?

Are you hiding it from me?

Or is just a glass of wine dancing under the moonlight?

Did you play?

Why am I painting your world? Your mind? Your thought?

Other thing that you love to do is to travel.

You always come back home.

Well the next time you travel I will be waiting for you at the cottage front gate. Will you come back? I´ll be there.

Do you like children?

Do you wanna have kids?


School card



She´s in. Oh Mother of God.

Tik Tok its a bomb shell.
She loves to do these things to me.

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