samedi 27 avril 2024

Today and tomorrow

lying between words in the secret garden.

After tomorrow there will be another book to read. Time and life don´t stand still.

The waters in thoughts don't stop flowing. They will only stop for a little moment when the mind changes its mind and changes its course and path. When the time for a new life, for a different life arrives.

The books´

There they are today lying in the garden without hiding. Between words of love and pleasures. Words that are written from time to time when there is a need to write and to read.

Sin takes over body and mind. Stronger than the weakness of the flesh. Wine, blood and fire take the place of the water and the thoughts of the soul.

Fill the glass and you´ll have it.

Homeless, lonely and needy.

It´s good to be alone. A good thing to not be tied to anything or to anyone.

It´s good, a good thing to be a trapped of life. To be trapped.

Today one book, tomorrow another, after tomorrow, who knows, who cares about this shit, about this shitty life, of the pen and the ink, of the pages, the words and the text of goodbyes of a book´


Why sell Odyssey´

Don´t do it. Keep it with you. 

Beside it you don´t have the need to sell anything of yours to pay debts or to buy something like others have to do.  Like others sell their bodies to pay the rent

Do you still have Sebastian´


Sometimes people say and do stupid and weird things, people are human. Other times they just say and do things. Sometimes for entertainment or people just don´t give a shit about others, what they might think and say about people, people say and do their things. Or maybe because people feel lonely and needy, people feel the need to be with someone, feel the need to be and to live in a relationship of friendship and love. To be and to talk with someone, to be touched. Maybe because they are homeless, without a resting place. Sometimes people say and do things innocently or just to say or do something. If there isn´t anything else and means to say and to do. Butt for sure interesting things to say and to do with someone somewhere in time and space.

If people say and do things with someone or with other people it may not be and look like so stupid and so weird. Even if sometimes some things really are stupid and weird. If people say and do things all alone it will look a stupid thing and weird, even if it isn't and for who says and does it. People play, many times alone in their life time.

Butt it is always better to do things with someone than alone. 


You have to give time and place for things to happen.

It´s time for you to settle down with someone and in that somewhere place called home.

Butt, it´s not what you are going to do. In the mountain you still have things to do before you settle down. Isn´t it the truth, isn´t it what you want and what you want to do.´ What you write and say'

You've spend almost a year with someone older than you think to be. Why' Sam provision and doing the gentleman job. The profession. Alone and needy, One beer or two, a drop and you've sliped. Uncontroled mind, unconscient, desoriented and loss of a lot of weight.

Some of those there aren´t good for you and for any future relationship that you may have in the future. Maybe only for you and for the birds that have been there since the beginning of your travel adventure, and not for anyone else, who knows´

I shouldn't be here writing and saying this butt only you can tell if I should do it or not. If it is not the hole truth' Or part of it.

How many boyfriends did you have since your divorce in Pakistan' 4 5 years ago.

Not my concern.

As far as I know,


Mickey Mouse

Alone and stuck on an island because of the sars.

You have to step down with some things that are buzzing your mind. That were input in your mind by some of those that you have been with on your social media.

Of course I'm not going to ask you how many pairs did you had after that.

Not my concern.

A couple.

One homeless, other loneliness, other need and the other hungry. I understand that I can not understand and accept. Even being your life and to only you it belongs.

But in the middle of it you were always talking to Mickey Mouse. Something not so right happen between you two. Jealousy, maybe'. You were always trying to make him jealous of you.

Yes, you were talking to him along your travels, even not being with him but with Sam cnns scripts, scientology and show, but with the winds ways that crossed in your path along your travels in the times of solitude and needs.

Even after these winds that you´ve crossed on your travels, in the middle of it you met with Mickey Mouse in México. And there was a fast food and drops mix up.  sam´s job, México, baja, where all the little travel girls fall in sam´s holes.

That ring' 

The book in your eyes and those words. I would like love to talk with you and to say things to you. I can't and I don't want to say and do it it here on my "social.

The book in your eyes, are you kissing me and looking at me'



I wouldn´t be here at the moment butt elsewhere doing more than I´m doing here, nothing.

Butt of course I´me still stuck here, why´

To be with you some days would be...'

No, I am not.

I want you.

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