lundi 8 avril 2024



Happy You

Cheers My Loves

Seven musical notes, which one would you play for me' 
Love her
Which one you wouldn't play'
Love her

Time of travels, flowers, wallpapers and merch.

A learning time for Mr and Mrs with the professor Andy.
It took some time and a lot of hard work to decorate this corner of the house with sand, gravel, cement and rocks. 
In my opinion the best work that was done in this corner was the friendship that was built there.

It seems to me that the building of the house extension is in stand by.
I wonder if it's because of the project, that may need to be revised' The project and the construction plan' The budget, the materials and the tools to build it'
John likes wood, were he not a carpenter. John likes to work with wood. So, john wants an extension made with wood. As it was told a temporary living place until the main house be build.

A river with walls painted in blue. Raindrops would paint the river walls colourless. John and Tara, what color would they paint their minds'

Waterfall stairs walls.

The arts.

Writing on the earth some letters.

Does God understand'

Growing minds, learning by doing with love.

Two beautiful kids

I wanna a cake, deliciously delicious.


Closing the door.

Someone went mad. Mad to make a cake.

I wanna so much to open the door but the door was already open.

It is true, but it needs some wire to better defend, protect our chickens from the foxes.

In this perspective we can see a happy person.

Children we have four sofás, we are five, who's going to sit on the floor'

Hats up, cause we are going to make a fire.

Bricks, is it what you are saying'

Like the color of the front door.

Two videos per week...

The barn turning into a temporary house. The building of it, interesting, everyone builds with what they have.

Opinion, building the walls with bricks would be less work, only the mixing and the loading of the cement would be a little more arduous. Less espensive than wooden beams, planks and boards, nails and screws and the two or three insulation materials that you are using to build it. The bricks and the cement in my opinion would be less expensive. And you have a stove to warm the house and clothes and blankets to warm the body and the soul.

Some gardening around the house. Garden beds for example. Planting some fruit trees, wild fruits and vegetables would be interesting too to see.

Paths and trails around the house. Your children could collect some gravel and little stones for it.

The chicken coop its a little bit forgotten.

These little things and others would diversify the contents of your YouTube channel.

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