mardi 9 avril 2024

Thank you







An unknown floor to me, a carpet and a woman. The written words on her face and some others that fall off from the walls of her hands. A woman with her voice on her lips, talking with a shimmering glow in her eyes. Eyes that mirror the chains of time. Of love in times of war.

The floor is a book of a thousand ways.

The floor is a book that tell the story of two people in a thousand ways. A book of a thousand ways, readings and thoughts. A place closer to the feet than to the hands that write this words. 

Tell me in which page are you in and I'll come to you there' So we can do the pin or something else that we would like to do together.

Don't know what I'm thinking anymore, what I'm reading and which way to go. 

I know. Do you know' Do you know why you are on the floor and what you are saying' 

Where do you go from there' Where do you want to go from there' I would like to know. As if I already knew the place where I would like to go and to be. By now in your land and closer to you.

Closer to a place.

Closer to something.

Closer to someone.

Closer to life and closer to death.

Closer and closer to love. Closer to love and to be loved.

The carpet where we are on together. You and the invisíble me.

Closer to a word, to a talk, to a drink and to a drunkness.

A touch, a caress and a Kiss.

Are we drunk or is a thought of ours lost in the middle of a thousand closers.

Unless you sign the book for me to read and tell me the story, cause I don't remember a thing.

When and where we kiss and why'

Why are you there, there on the carpet´

Presenting your new book in a such beautiful place, on the floor, on the carpet of our relationship.

You don't have to explain anything to me. I'll be here and there with you. What can I do' Far we are from each other and so close to do something together. I've got to get there, to our secret garden. You were there yesterday, I saw you from the skies above you. I am the heavens.

We'll have a rum someday. Noisy or not.

Thank you 


Love you


One Sympathy

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