mardi 10 janvier 2023

Do you understand why´


No better example like this one, Vilk & Surfer Babe, to understand why Eva goes mad with things and with me when she sees me playing with other girls and when she reads the spicy things that i write and post on my social media.

I´m your girlfriend and i don´t like to see you playing spicy games with other girls. 

And the spicy words that you write break even more my heart feelings.

What do you think about Vilk´s feelings´ Aren´t you hurting him too´

Vilk & Surfer Babe

So, from here you may understand other people´s feelings that like love you. You may understand your social media followers and their feelings. Either friends, family or just followers. Young and old people. Fathers, mothers, grandmas, brothers, etc.

The things you say and do.

What do you want to show with it´ Spicy pictures, videos and texts´ Why do you share it with all your social media followers´ ´Cause you like to put firewood on the fire. Spice the fire sparks and spread it everybody minds and heart feellings. You like to make fun of it.

To love or to hate

Eva, what do you think that i feel when i see you doing the lovely things you do with those guys you´ve been with... true, on your travels, say and write on your social media?

Do you understand me´ 

Do you understand why´ 

Do i like love you, Eva´

Yeah, i like love you Eva.

Yes, you do lovely things. You are lovely. Lovely in the sense of the word. I like your being. Lovely, kind, sweet. But things go to bed, you get lost and you fire up all your desires and all your bones into prediction. And you´ve been posting it on your social media. You simple burn it all. The reason why, you´ve been alone, without someone to handle you when you need most. The reason why you´ve been lost, hungry and in despair and doing wrong things. S * it´s not wrong. It´s just the way you´ve been doing it and with whom you´ve been doing it. Those that are there to get you on your weakness moments. It´s wrong. You´re a girl, a women.

Do you understand Vilk´. Do you understand that you´re hurting his eyes and his heart feelings´ ´Cause vilk likes loves you.

Please, sing to me, sing with me. Don´t sing it on your social media, Don´t sing it with other guys and post it on your social media for your followers to see what a fuck you´ve been doing.

You know, i like love your person and the things you do, say and write on your social media. I like to see you, to listen to you. I like to read the things you write. 

Please, sing and play it with me. Do it with your boyfriend.
You don´t have one. Find that someone. Do it with him and not with those clowns that are only there to eat your soul, your skin, your meat and your bones.

Eva, I fell like a Kiwi without a door lock to open. I don´t know where your door is anymore. Where to go and what to do.

I was walking in the dark room, groping the walls, trying to find you.

But you weren´t there. You were in another room with another guy.

You were with the invisible me.

Doin´ these things to me´ How fun is it for you to do it´ Are you playing with me´


Before or after the war´ Where were we´ 

Where are we´ 

What are we going to say and to do with each other and where do we go from here´

La Paz. The road to nowhere.

Hello Odyssey. How are you´

"            "

A smile, a laugh and a closed door.

I´m dead

You were dialling in buttons before the Kiwi sunrise. What were you writing for the morning´

Tomorrow is landing and no one knows where.

Keep dialling, keep writing, love letters to me.

I don´t give a shit for this place anymore. I don´t give a shit for anything and everyone that is and live in this place. This place is dead for me. There are too many clowns around here. I´ve nothing to do here but a lot to do in another place.

There were and there are many things that i wanted and want to do and to live. I want to do it and to live it in another place and with people. 

I´ve my dreams, ambitions and golds to reach. To me, this place is no longer the place to do it and to live it. In time it was, but not anymore.

I know that i can do much much more and much better things than the things that i´m doing here at the present moment. I´m doing nothing here. I´m wasting time here. Wasting my precious time.

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