dimanche 23 octobre 2022




Rio Tejo Tagus River

T.A.T.U Girls


AC     G

The Mexican

Helena Cristina     Helena Christensen 

La Mexicana

For some reason Google maps hided the stairs
Some clown things have been input in places where they do not belong. It´s the clowns job.


Wool and Knitwear store owner (rent)


Miele - Tarantela - Tarantula

Hospital Dona Estefania (Maternidade) »»»



Cesário Verde Garden

HR Kodak - Casa Sena

Rua dos Açores     Russia Embassy

Henrique brother went to live in Argentina

Marechal Gomes Da Costa

Helena Gomes Da Costa 

Casa Dos Meninos Da Luz

Carlos Ca Bé....... Sisters



Bingo do Belenenses 50 yeras


Aurora birthplace

Diolinda   Helena Aurora

Aurora     Graça Canada... Holyday Travel Niagara...

Helena     João

Honda NEW Hyundai stand

Different decor but the residence remains here. And it have been a long long stay here. It might be a stay of more then 35 years. Even more.

50 60 years old



Just a quick note about the images captured on the web that i took from Google maps. There are some visible folders on the browser and i just want to say that there isn´t any X-file secret there. Those you may have been following my Pumpkins on this blog know that there isn´t X-files or other secret issues on those folders.


If you have been following this blog, you´re on the right place. Whatever i post on this blog, good, bad, ugly, interesting or not, like it or not, it´s me who do it. Don´t follow other blogs with things that i post on this blog. I know there are some clowns that have been doing it.

Some grammatical errors here and there, some rights some wrongs. Some shit as well. People know what.
Some things need some improvement. My writings, i´m not a writer, a poet and a culture person and no one writes a book in 6 or 25 minutes. Some content. Some images organization. Image and video quality, i do and i play with what i have. My paints can also be improved, but mostly about tools and time to paint my Pumpkins. There are things that take and need some time to be reasonable, good and interesting. In general i´m happy and amaze with myself and i know i can do much more and better things.


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