dimanche 16 octobre 2022



Page one you judge

Page two you argue

Page three you tell to pray

Page six we´re dead

Page eight we open a bottle of time to drink

Page eleven we´re back on the cover of the book.

Page 13 we´re in love

Page sixteen words that weren´t written

Page eighteen one to love one to hate

Page twenty-two we swim in a scrabble

Page twenty-five we´re trying to make the puzzle

Page twenty-six searching the missing word and the missing piece

Page thirty-six the game is far to be over 

Page forty-two we divide, we drink the last drop of the crosswords

Page forty-six we talk about the starry starry night

Page fifty-one we walk, and we talk

Page fifty-two the problem is not yet solved

Page sixty we´re missing some letters

Page sixty-one we´re missing some accents

Page sixty-six we dream in oranges juices

Page sixty-seven we lost a key, how will we unlock the next door´

She kiss me

Page sixty-eight we ring the bells

Page Sixty-nine we kiss each other

Page seventy something fell from the heavens on our minds

Page seventy-one lightning and rain

Page seventy-two a torment a nightmare

Page seventy-six i love i love the dead my love is dead

Page seventy-seven we hold each other hands

Page seventy-eight we look to each other

Blind love

Page seventy-nine a caress needs a mistress a caress needs a lover

Page eighteen we are e hating each other 

Page eighteen-one we´re still dead

Page eighteen-six God bless you

Page eighteen-eight i hate i hate i hate you

Page a thousand and one please, could you please write something with sense. Please write the roughest words. Write what you´re feeling inside of you at this moment. Write it in this book.
You must be Grumpy´

Good morning lover

There she goes

Will she find her destination and reach her dreams´



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