jeudi 18 août 2022

Living Hell

I like burning houses down, and factories as well. I like burning anything, it's the truth I tell. Libraries and museums, both of them have fell, I like burning things, burning things is swell. I would like to start it as a fashion trend, Amongst the young people, then the world might end. Wouldn't it be fun, to ring the funeral bell, On our civilization, and watch it burn in Hell. Start a fire, start a fire, start a fire today. Burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it all away. Fire! Fire! In the summer I like to go to the country side, Where I burn a forest down, I watch it burn with pride. Isn't nature wonderful, it makes things so dry, Burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it, burn the country side. Start a fire, start a fire, start a fire today Burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it all away. Fire! Fire! It makes me feel so sad to see young people dance, They could burn the discotheque down, they've got every chance. Then they'd get themselves into the news, Burning things, burning things can make you famous too. Start a fire, start a fire, start a fire today Burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it all away. Fire! Fire! Burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it, burn it all away.




Let me caress and Kiss the lovely word
Let me jump in

   Dissassemble 16  

I guess some interaction with water would be a refreshment to my mind. If not i´ll melt and sink.

Vegan or Mary or none of them. She´s violin me.

Living Hell

Please me

Start The Fire

The Tiger Lillies - The rime of the ancient mariner

Lyrics and Melodies

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