mardi 16 août 2022

NGR 16



I Guess you did I Guess you do

  Eva dissassembles NGR 16  

No thinking, no kisses, no farewells, somebody, somewhere, something. 
Strange feelings invaded my thoughts, my body, my being.
So i guess it´s the moment to reflect. It´s the moment for a time break an not for kisses wherever you like it and for fashion.

I think there´s no better place than this one to do it.
A thinking lip.

💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 8

Alaska Menu

Moose steak, Bear steak or Squirrel steak with some blueberries. No vegans.

Steps on ice

Steps on waters 

Alaskan Iceberg Ice Cream dessert




Suisse Switzerland

  Os Alemães  The Germans  


Pedro     Henrique     F O

                                        Holland  Nederlands   



River  Islands  Sea



It was a very important week. It was productive. Odyssey upgrade. And personally the social interaction did well to the ego.

Most of the times Odyssey have been driving and talking with and to itself. The nature and distant travels on the asphalt of the roads, on the hills and on the valleys have been Odyssey´s companions on this adventure and journey.

The interaction with Humans did well. It was a kind of relief and personal liberation. The needed interaction with Humans. The need to be and to interact with someone. The need to talk with someone and the need of expression. To be with Humans, its good, feels good, does good to a person´s ego



No farewells. Wait until odyssey get desorganize again.

Until the Music Melodies and Lyrics start to Melt.

Food, clothes, boots, tools, fuel and wheels chains.


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