lundi 26 juin 2023


 Building a home and working the land.

The living, the entertainment and life realisations

The river

The forest

The companion

Cultivation, work, and entertainment.


You´re doing amazing things.

The piece of land and the home. 

Building, restoring and recreating things. Doing things that you like so much to do.

You´re still learning. Improving your skills and the ways to do it. You´re growing in every way.

You have a roof. You are not homeless. You have a place to stay, to live. You have a bed to sleep and the silence to dream.

A living room to be.

A stove.

A garden

You´re growing your own food.

The food, the ingredients and the spice.

Spicy, smelly and the tasty foods are the ones that give you flavor. That makes you like, have joy in eating and that satisfy your hunger, your body and your soul.

This kind of food it´s healthier and it give pleasure to cook and to eat.

You have been working a lot. Its being hard. Sometimes. You dont have time schedules and you do whatever you want to do and whenever you want to do it.

The time will come and it will be the time to receive the profits of all the work that you have been doing and that you´ll keep doing. 

Trails and roads. A van, a car and and motocycle. Friends...

The missing piece. 

The music and the dance is in your being.

Love you

Kisses Gentle Kisses


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