dimanche 2 avril 2023

F * Off. It´s Not Ok. That´s All.


Take 4


No, it´s not ok.

From slow motion he went fast.

It seems that you´re not so secure of what you´ve done. There´s some guilty there. Are you feeling it´ Was it a mistake´ Are you shameless with what you´ve done. Regretting it´ Did you like it´ Judging from your eyes that are jumping out and from the smile in your face and the depth of your voice? Seem to me that not everything its ok. You like because you like it. But at the same time you´re not so ok with it. You feel guilty, shameless, small, weak and sorry. You feel like shit.
Smoothly start to run from there and go camping in another place. Or just stay there. Why are you going. Ok, you still have somethings and some work to do elsewhere.
So, don´t waste your precious time, money and energy blogginggggggg and listening the stories that Sam and other clowns have been telling you. Don´t let Sam do his job with you. Getting you lost 👽💭out there and fucking around. Which he already did.

Is this what you´re saying on this video´
Are you saying it to your social media followers or to that cute someone else´ 

Shit road. What have i done´ But i was here camping all alone and them from despair and hungry having fun AH AH AH. Now things will never be as it could be.

There´s no need for excuses. You did it. Its done. You´re fucking alone, you get hungry and angry for a fucking fuck with a stranger that may come in your way. No matter who. No matter red or color. All because you don´t have a fucking boyfriend and because you like to walk, to have fun and to fuck around. Is this what you want me to say to you´ Is this what you´re saying to all your social media followers. Because you like love to do It. You love this things and you write and you say it to everyone to see and to know on your social media. You fucking like love to do It.

Who knows if one day you´ll come back in the same way that you have been coming back to others. Just make a phone call to one of your cute friends. Only you know and nobody else if you´ll come back there for a fucking cool time. Ok, not ok to me and to many of your social media followers. It hits people. That´s it.

You are a women. You like, you want, you wish and you do it.
Its in Human Nature
That is it.

All of them have been Sam´s sugar and job.

Your time and energy has come from Sam´s time and energy.

How and why in the hell a Polish young girl from London did go to live in Pakistan and to travel to Irak, Turkey, Afghanistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia... Sam´s war zones. Well, Sam doesn´t have jobs to do in the Middle East. Israel, Palestine, Jordanian, Syria, Libano, Iran...

Sam have to give a little portion of his time and energy to get what he wants and to do his job. And he have been doing it all over the world. Here he gave his asshole to the pt clowns and corrupted them to provide some national services for him. They know who i´m talking about. The clowns know. My enemies. Not here. Quite the opposite. He took, he stole.

Butt wet, this doesn´t mean that you don´t have talents. ´Cause you have it. You´re interesting, intelligent and you have intelectual skills. 
Butt wet. this doesn´t mean that you haven´t work for it. 

You know, here no one works for me. Quite the opposite

The media doesn´t have interests in Maico Mike Team. The Team it´s not their job. The media have its own interests and its own job and Maico Mike Team is not the media, the politic parties, the government and the dogs. It was. However Maico Mike Team, friends and family are the structure of Sam media..... Believe it or not, its nothing but the true. Its a long long story. A Hollywood media tv channel story from the ages of time.


Sam and the pt clowns have their interests and their job to do and to do it, they cover everything and themselves with distractions, fireworks outside their house, issues, argue, dirty jobs, third people, third parties, greens, sugars, drugs, cougars and escorts, television channels, journalists, reporters... he works with all those clowns and whores of the pt media

No, the dog doesn´t want anyone´s time and energy.

You know´ No you don´t know. The dog can give more than the demand. Its temporary, just for a necessity to solve some issues and for a period of time. It´s not to play, it will be use to solve a few personal issues and only. Including the travel ticket. Its a miserable loan that the dog is demanding to someone. There´s no shame on it. This issue made and make part of many people´s lives. Many people have had this subject during their lifetimes. Its miserable to the dog, maybe, it´s miserable and shameless to demand something to someone, but its very important for him at this time of his life.
What a fuck, you can solve it in your own way and with your own hands. You gonna do it. In one way or another.

No, I did not took any decisions. It's not up to me to take one or other decision.

Yes, its true.

And the lips sang like an harmonium.

A bad decision that you made. 

Not because people don´t like tattoos. Somehow people like it.
Well its your skin, its your body, you do whatever you want to do with it. Red or in other color.

All the messages that i´ve wrote above are a shity mess and the reality. A mess that´s happening.

Its too late, isn´t it. You´re in. Aren´t you´

Stop stop stop. Get out of there. Get out of Sam´s way. He´s fucking and messing with you. With your personality and being.
All that Sam and all the other clowns care about its about their interests, about their scientology sickness and their brown poop and stupid job. They are suckers, brain suckers, people´s live suckers. They want to kill and to clean their job and their asses
They are all clowns.

  They are all clowns   
Media tv newspapers social media followers.... pigs dogs snakes monkeys donkeys and neighbours  


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