dimanche 23 avril 2023



Jonathan Lewis

You do things. Then you feel like shit. The only things that keep you up


On and On and On and On... and on


Sam´s Drinks, Substances and Fireworks.

It´s what Sam have been doing with vulnerable, angelical and some innocent girls to do his social service and sci-fy jobs. He gets from the girls social services and also from his sci-fi jobs. Butt wet, less butt he also give prizes. Drinks, drugs, substances, cougars and fireworks.
The vulnerable, angelical and innocent girls like it and want it. The girls put themselves in holes. Just have to open their legs.
It´s an exchange of social services. Everyone get something and some.
Whose little girl doesn´t like drinks, drugs, substances, cougars and fireworks´ Every single one.

And of course the bank account. 
The dollars serial numbers.
That pay all your expenses and also physical, mental, personal and being costs.

I wouldn't waste my money on beaches, motel rooms, airbnb, cabines and beaches. Unless it was really, really necessary. I would invest my money on a piece of land and on the construction of my home. On everything else that could bring joy to my life. That could give me confort, quiet, peace and happiness to my life. I would do it in this precise moment of my life. Today. The later, tomorrow.

With that, what would I do and how many things would I do' 
Where would I be and who would I be tomorrow that I am not today.'

I may understand some things that only concern you.
Your personal and private life.
What do you say, write and do on your social media. 
You ´re alone... Very true. Vulnerable, very true.
Lost, somehow. Without pair and homeless.
Having fun once in a while here and there. Very true.
Who are you´ What kind of a woman are you´ A dong.
A Grown woman, An adult. It´s true.

Everything else is unacceptable. I can´t accept it.

You are a grown woman and you do whatever you want to do with you and in your life. 

Who am i´ To say what you´re going to do´

It´s what i think you should do for your good. 
I think and would like that you would do. I think if you do it you would like to live it.
That someone, that place and life.

Less you things and your being, leave everything else. Get out of there. Now. 

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