jeudi 13 avril 2023

Captain´s Daughter

Good Morning

Just the way to get here.

There´s only one way.

Magic Lipstick 

Me girl´s Lips.

Me girl is talking with her lips and with a different tone of voice.

My girl Eva, if my girl went to a store and by delicacy bought a bottle for me, what drink would my girl chose´

Please something that can get me drunk. ´Cause i really need to get and to feel drunk. To forget and to forgive. And because it´s the only way i have to be with my girl somewhere, in a milky and creamy cake, fantasy and dream. 

Strawberries and Chantilly, would be perfect. 
I wanna be with my girl somewhere. 
So please, by delicacy, go to that fucking store.


Please pack your things and Go. Now.

The fringe



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