mercredi 28 août 2024

Ey love


Good morning


"Love*, she said it to herself, did she? Did she make love, did she had an affair with the land in the little house?

"Love*, did I told it to her? 

Did we "love* each other in one of these last days?

Well, I don't remember, I was with someone, I was somewhere, this I remember.

What we did, the eyes tell something, a drunk and sleepless day and night.

One day ago, two, three days ago?

No, I´m not, I want you.

What does this Sunday photo tell me?

She dial my phone number then we slept in the field, yes, butt we didn't took a bath. Because it didn't rain.


Do it

Little house

One week of your work, is it what it cost?


And light years of gain to you to live.

N G R 16: 2019 (

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