vendredi 2 août 2024

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Tell me beautiful, what kind of feelings are you having in your land?

Amazing feelings, some strange, I think there´s a ghost that lives here. I haven´t see him yet but I feel a living ghost that crosses the land and my body and soul. He whispers in my ears and mind. Feelings, nothing real yet, there´s a ghost here.

I´m still walking in an unknown place, in mystery and wonder. I´m walking, wondering and touching the fields, the flowers and the trees, discovering the land and the things that live here. Walking and sitting in every corner of the land and looking all around me. Looking at the horizons of my land, North, South, East and West. Discovering where the sun and the wind come from. 

Breathing purity and smelling the senses of the land. I did not taste the rain from here yet, but I know I will one of these days. Heavy rain will fall over my land, cold and snow too. Wind, rain, cold and snow will touch my face and soul. It will bring feelings into me, I will see and be touched by the forces of nature, I will have and feel them on my body and soul.

Beautiful, I´m in one of the tent walls that you are standing, find me, if is it what and who you wish. I´m watching you inside and outside of the tent. I´m that flower, that fruit, that tree, that bird, the wind wings, the senses, the sounds and the songs of the land. I am the ghost, I am the land. Do you see me? Do you see my eyes. Eyes that follow and see you walking and playing all over the land. Wherever you walk, play and lay I will always be with you.

Now, tell me the truth. Did you went there alone? Are you there alone? Have you being there alone? You, Vilk and the ghost of the land. Ghost that whispers in your ears, dreams and fantasy.

What did the ghost tell you?

From where the sun and the wind come from?

The sunrise and sunset., mornings and afternoons. The wind...

Important to choose the place and on the building of the house, for who will live there.

Walls and windows... Sunlight, wind, temperature, confort and well being.

The house of dreams, the dream house.

You´re so excited because? Tell me the reason or the reasons for such excitement.

The land, you have a land, What could be more exciting than that?

The reasons, you´re full of thoughts, ideas and dreams. The things you can do and live there.

Project Hideaway

What projects do you have to do there?

A place to live.

First things first. Things to do. Explore to know the land. To have the knowledge of the land that you´re in now, where you´re going to live. To know the extension and the limits of the land.

Build fences, it´s good to feel fences around a place where you may live. To build fences or not. A lot of land and of work to do with it. It´s a feeling, a good feeling to have fences.

The house. Where you would like to build your house? What kind of house you would like to live? Can you build it all alone? No you can´t. You gonna need someone and some workers too to build it. A lot of work to be done and the cost of it.

The house, one, two, three roofs, one floor and one stage. How many rooms? A well, a source of water. Well, there were long days when you didn´t take a bath. Power, a source of energy. Two of many basic needs. All kinds of things you have to think about and to do.

You gonna need experts, architects and many others, depending in what you gonna do there.

I hope my drafts on this message will be inspiring and be helpful for you. 

Knowing that there will be people, friends with you there with their drafts, ideas and knowledge. That can do the same as me, inspire and help you or do better than me to do whatever you would like and want to build and to raise your place in this world, your world, your land, my neverland.

Wannabe my lover?

Please explain this to me.

Sun and trees

First time

Rum and coke taste better than whiskey

Where did I read it?
Did I wrote it?


Love you

I know, you don´t love me. We can play, can we?

Love you

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