mardi 6 août 2024

Day and night.


Did the Gods choose the time and the place to live?

Do the roses want to live here, in this land?

Light and dark. Day and night. Sunlight, moonlight.

Everything was thought, created and build within some thinking, imagination, reason and propose so that humans could live on Earth and within the solar system.

I could live under this roof.

Into the darkness


The pain is lost, she no longer have pain.

Whether she writes in a straight or crooked line, turn the page or not, drive in a straight line. whether or not she enters another road and go another way, the thing will not be the same because there will be a space between yesterday and today and a different future of love and pleasure never again so deep and painful. An empty and dead future. Because there will be no other because everything is already dead, will be dead. The only thing that may remain, if there was one, if there was anything that was felt is friendship and love.


Morning corner, tint, paint brush and nowhere else like this place to be in this morning. (House extension) A day like many others that i´m not angry. Tomorrow another corner. The windows could be wider, it´s just you, the garden and the view from the farm in front of you. The door could be wider and higher, but requires some hard work. Going mint or right, pattern very light, loving white, emerald, the green is loved too. Colors with instructions, she´s sitting and reading it on the sofa.

Rain of roses and a disaster could happen in the skies above the clouds. The challenges under the turbulence, strong winds, the birds chirping, their wings were so nervous that couldn´t land and sit by her side on the sofa. Looking back and better now to what was written, said and done. We could be talking about many other things. Exchanging and challenging between us thoughts, ideas and creative things to do.

The sofa challenge, take a rest, grab a beer and talk with friends or keep painting the walls without saying a word. Wall that´s getting wrong, weird, a heart feeling. Looks good in gray, I like the color. Definitely more liked. I do like emeralds too and the instructions make everything easier to understand. 

Two goats on the roof.

What did they tell to you?


Rain drops falling, waters running, the walls are lifting, Josh and Erin are building their wonders and dreams, their home, an amazing time of their life.

The good and the bad, everything can be delayed. It´s raining over our heads and our feet are all wet and now we´re standing here on the top of the house that we´re building and nothing is yet together. The structure, the floors, the walls and the roof. We may not have a roof and ceillings but the sweet love is here within us. When dreams become rainbows in our eyes, a vision, in this wonderful mountain where we´re dreaming and lifting our house to the heavens but we know we´re still away and far. We´re moving pieces and completing the puzzle of our house. Every piece in its own place, well, we´re hopping to do it, but if a storm come in we still have the safe. 

Not yet finished, near to it.

The creation and the work on those walls, the windows frames and the glasses with a beautiful, overwhelming view

This dark above us

This dark down on us

Our feet feeling and walking slowly on obscure tiles.

We thought we were taken into a deep and sweet dream and we´re, we´re puzzling our dream life together and with our kids in the mountain of the king.

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