Some time ago i was walking with my boyfriend
got married and now I´m the mother of a beautiful sweetheart.
Mom, did you tap The Road Chantily Cake?
And the one, did you one? Diiid you?
Mom, tell me more, i´d like to know your story.
A beautiful name, mom was it you who wrote on a paper and gave this beautiful name to your daughter?
The way She talks and moves, what She says and does, a sweetheart.
However I've been seeing and feeling that lately she have been talking and behaving in somehow diferently. More open and expressive, with words and gestures coming from the inside, within mind thoughts and body shakes. I would say, Libertine. Freeing and expressing herself to someone.
Don't know why? What or who have been there but I like it.
Don't worry She's still in and with her sweetness.
She taps me because She...
There's any problem there. Well, just one, me.
I'm in the middle of something of hers, a relationship, I think.
Don't close the door.
Social etiquette. Labels.
Hands crossed
When you talk with people you should not chewing gum.
They took their children to the motel room, put them asleep and went for a step of dance all night long.

You should tell to your parents when they go to a party they should not taste the appetizers and the cocktails, they become like children, with the lessons not learned, then they stain the evening suits with the sparkle of their eyes and tear them when the night reaches the point of madness.
An expensive night in Nashville, the bright in their eyes tell the story.
All night long
Good and simple people.
Lettuce, i like your final comments on your videos, it always tells something, your thoughts and vision of things, of your life.
I like the work that you´ve been doing there, you´ve been building a place, a place where you can live your life and love, your family. I like the roofs, the walls and the people from the place where you're living.
Less the cop on the run. Seems invisible, a secret page on a book, a decoration, a passage to an unknown and hidden place.
I am
Heaven is a place on Earth
In the gym, good to exercise the demons when you´re out.
Electrician take my hand
Leave the light on, leave your likes.
No need to explain, it´s a spotlight in the dark and it´s good.
Snow in the garden, an open door, a prayer to temptation and sin, a sofa and its silence and confort.
I feel the need to talk about me, about my thoughts and life, that´s what i´m doing, i´m talking with someone in the moonlight shadow. Talking with someone from the other side of the world.
It´s good to talk and express my thoughts, my feelings and life with a strange, an unknown person. Yes, it´s strange and makes the soul and body tremble but it is much easier to talk to a stranger than to a person who is nearby. Even having a good relationship with the person that i´m with and live.
The aim, Cher.
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Sit on the sofa of the flowers and have breakfast with my love, Ios in the most beautiful corner of the farm
Is going to be windy and rainy soon and the sofa that´s outside the extension will float on the drops of water that will fall from the sky. The sofa roof is too high, you should low the roof. Of course you will loose the view of the landscape from the inside the extension. So, make a choice. keep the roof as it´s or lower it.
Tara oven, she wanted so much to burn pizzas for lunch, butt she´s too busy to light fires on the farm. The oven is still to be build.
The tree house, do your kids play there?

One of these days I´ll post a video of the White House garden irrigation system.
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