lundi 13 mai 2024

You beautiful

Good mornin love


Phone me

Love you

🩵 Kisses 💟




Please ring on the angel's wings number 


if the wings of the plane break on your way home to Poland.

See you in the mountain. 

I'll be there with you soon. 

As fast as the lightning and the thunder dialogues time travel in the heavens. 

Goodbyes are sweet when there's at least a slightly chance that we can come back to a place or to someone.

It's a slightly thing that we have between the two of us.

A slightly thing is something and something is a good thing. Its a possibility.

They see you. Who´ Those who have been there with you along the time. You´ve not being alone for a long time, since the beginning of your travel adventures

G Gray Eva Rose

Thought and written mind.

Speech papers.

Yes, it´s the truth, she´s kidding with him. Everything under a good sense and love.

Are you kidding with me´

Yes, I am, True.

My love, please don´t take it too serious, its love and leisure. And if you... please take the sit. I´ll smile not once but twice, ´cause I love you. Come on! Lets go to that place and do lovely things.


Culture and art.

Culture, it makes part of people´s life and way of living.

Ios, that place, a "tent", where people spend time socialising with each others.

Art, the art of being, of reunion and friendship. The art of being with people, of living and of life.

The kids love Ios. They had their parents and the farm to play with and now a new friend arrived at the Newby´s farm.


Everybody have a little bit of a dog in its being. This one looks cute. The loan, the flowers and the sofa will love him.

Excitement times in the pocket heart.

Bricks, cement and wood.

You wanted a stone house, but I would build it with bricks, cement, wood and other forms and shapes of stones. Even loving those stones that you´re building your house.

If I was rich, means, and if I had professional workers working for me on the building of the house, why not. I´m not. Ideas of my house and projects I have many, but not the means to do it.

Anyway, many people build things with what they have and don´t have.

Horns and whores, devils and angels with snake heads.

That was it. An orange between an office desk and papers. Room for love and no signs of war and horny warnings on the streets.

Please make the scrabble if you want to understand the scrabble of what she said and what I´m sayin.

That place is a good place to talk and to drink with friends. Sitting around the oven making fire and pizzas, meat and fish on the grill, the beers are on the house.

Even being a temporary house extension I would build it with bricks, cement and wood.

Those stones walls are growing in the Italian Alps. An incredible work that the Voyagers have been doin there. Its being a lot of work and of time spendin. 

And the living abstract designs and paints on those walls are making me seeing and imagin things.

I´m loving it, the Voyagers, the stone house and the Alps.

Aurora Rosi Italia Gonçalo João Jean John Ricardo João

Rosi Aurora Ana João mother
Terra da Diolinda


Guarda Nacional Republicana

Republican National Guard

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