jeudi 16 mai 2024

NGR 16


You had your own being, now half the way you´re loosing it.

Why´Because it´s their job and their job is destroying you. They are sucking you with scientologies, its their sickness and disease. How they did it´ Dropping and fire you up, to do their job, Scientology and own show. You are them, what they want you to be and do and no longer yourself, your being. Being that have beautiful things in its being. Interesting, beautiful and intelligent but that they have being slaughtering with their stupidity, job and scientologies. Because what´s important for them it´s them and not you. Giving prizes in the middle but sucking your body and mind, destroying you. Your being, mind and art. What you write, say and do. What´s inside of you, what you are. Now what you were not butt what they want you to be and do.


My grandfather, João was a mechanic and beats automobile plates.
In Portugal and then in a Renault garage in Paris. Where he met Rosi.
He went to live in France in his youngest years.

Father unknown, me.

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