jeudi 2 novembre 2023

Windy in Lisbon.




Aren´t the bird´s cages holes a little bit too small´

NGR blog

There are those, clowns, with own interests and jobs.
Sicks pigs donkeys monkeys snakes brs dogs media politic government
There are those that don´t have any interest on my blogging. Their pain. Everything I do or might do don´t go on their own interests and job. In everything I do there´s always something that they have to point. That they use against me.
Scientology, crime, cleaning.
There are those that want to hide my blogging on the web. They have their own reasons, interests and job. This is the truth.
There are those that have own interest and job to do in Portugal. Be it, information or any other kind of own job. The pt clowns are needed to do it. The reason why they lick each other asses and not people's asses. Corruptors and corrupted pt clowns. Interests and jobs.
In a few days my blogging will be on the street, for everyone that may have some curiosity of what I´ve been doing or do on the web, for those that may have some interest and may want to follow me on the web.


What she said and what she has been doing. 
Energising, reading and getting read. 
She did it before. It is not new.
Thirsty, hunger, despair, jump and fall.
The reasons why she´s still there. While it last. While the torch is burning.
She will freeze. She´s freezing...
Now, she´s getting out of the dust that she´s in. 
Blaming...  and getting rid.
Too late. Lost forever.
She´ll remember it every single day. Soon or later she´ll go back cause the dust is higher than her. She´ll be needy and in despair. She´ll fall time after time. As soon as some clown gives an opportunity for a gust of wind. And then the exchange, the reading for a gust.

Because it´s in her bones DNA and mind.
 She hadn´t and doesn´t have no one. In a flaming drop of blood, she would fall. Whatever, whoever shows up on her way. Of course, this was part of the script, like other scripts that those that have been there for years have been setting up all along for her on her way. It´s their show. A real time live social show. Why she´s in´ Because things were and are made smoothly. It´s a social show and the show must go on. All made with the good and the best intentions. She is the prey and their feast. She likes it, she wants it, she does it. She lives for it and from it. It´s all, almost, on her social media. She writes and talks about it every time.
Lately she got busted, crushed and trashed. Within it she has been rewarded... 
The loss of weight. Getting energised for the duty, show scripts and for the demolition and crash. Doing their service and own service.
The down high. The high keeps her there. The down, she has been feeling like shit in her moments of clarity and sanity. Pale, smiling, laughing, behaving due to the influencies that are inside her system, organism and mind. That they´ve input on her to do their job and own show.

In the car he got it on. Far from the live cams.
Opened holes and opened minds. A bullshit to remember later.
Going away, to where´ But keeps playing their script and hers. At the airport what did she do´ The clowns script. Why´ Because she´s trapped. They trapped her. Their show must go on. What are they popping in her mind´ A show for others, the clown's stupidity, sickeness and job. 

Scientology is the clowns job. It´s what is important for the clowns. Not her. To do it the clowns have to poop everything and everyone. Drugs, animal´s poop and fireworks. Photos and video, She is the clowns vitrus test tube.

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