mardi 28 novembre 2023

Buongiorno Voyagers, buongiorno Italia

N G R 16: Italia sta tornando a casa (


N G R 16: La Guitarra (

N G R 16: ITALIA (


Liverpool G Newcastle

You´ll Never Walk Alone


True to say that it's been a hard work. The walls and firewalls, the floors. It´s great what you´ve been doing there. I like what I see. You, a family, you there living life. There in Italy.

And now with new ideas and projects coming in a near future over the mountain of dreams, fantasies and life.

The wing of words.

The guidence travel and the exchange of words. The wing of words, the wings and the wind´s words way over the land. 

The Vatican secrets and mysteries.


You see, inside the lake of information is full of life.

Getting there.

Not your secret, my secret secret that I was keeping 



In Rome be a Roman. In thought I think you´ve been that to me. 

Get those papers, write the words that you have to write and be an Italian.

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Maybe you have some´ Who doesn´t have and love one´ Even if it´s only a little one.

La tribu de Dana Dans La Vallet

La tribu de Dana Dans La Vallée Choir

Le vent souffle sur les plaines de la Bretagne armoricaine, je jette un dernier regard sur ma femme, mon fils et mon domaine. Akim, le fils du forgeron est venu me chercher, Les druides ont décidé de mener le combat dans la vallée. Là, où tous nos ancêtres, de géants guerriers celtes, après de grandes batailles, se sont imposés en maîtres, c'est l'heure maintenant de défendre notre terre, contre une armée de Cimmériens prête à croiser le fer. Toute la tribu s'est réunie autour de grands menhirs, pour invoquer les dieux afin qu'ils puissent nous bénir. Après cette prière avec mes frères sans faire état de zèle, les chefs nous ont donné à tous des gorgées d'hydromel, Pour le courage, pour pas qu'il y ait de faille, pour rester grands et fiers quand nous serons dans la bataille car c'est la première fois pour moi que je pars au combat, et j'espère être digne de la tribu de Dana. Dans la vallée ohoh de Dana lalilala. Dans la vallée j'ai pu entendre les échos. Dans la vallée ohoh de Dana lalilala. Dans la vallée des chants de guerre près des tombeaux. Après quelques incantations de druides et de magie, toute la tribu, le glaive en main courait vers l'ennemi, la lutte était terrible et je ne voyais que les ombres, tranchant l'ennemi qui revenait toujours en surnombre. Mes frères tombaient l'un après l'autre devant mon regard, sous le poids des armes que possédaient tous ces barbares, des lances, des haches et des épées dans le jardin d'Eden qui écoulait du sang sur l'herbe verte de la plaine. Comme ces jours de peine où l'homme se traîne à la limite du règne du mal et de la haine, fallait-il continuer ce combat déjà perdu, mais telle était la fierté de toute la tribu, la lutte a continué comme ça jusqu'au soleil couchant, de férocité extrême en plus d'acharnement, fallait défendre la terre de nos ancêtres enterrés là, et pour toutes les lois de la tribu de Dana. Dans la vallée ohoh de Dana lalilala. Dans la vallée j'ai pu entendre les échos. Dans la vallée ohoh de Dana lalilala. Dans la vallée des chants de guerre près des tombeaux. Au bout de la vallée on entendait le son d'une corne, d'un chef ennemi qui appelait toute sa horde, avait-il compris qu'on lutterait même en enfer et qu'à la tribu de Dana appartenaient ces terres ? Les guerriers repartaient, je ne comprenais pas tout le chemin qu'ils avaient fait pour en arriver là, quand mon regard se posa tout autour de moi, j'étais le seul debout de la tribu voilà pourquoi. Mes doigts se sont écartés tout en lâchant mes armes et le long de mes joues se sont mises à couler des larmes, je n'ai jamais compris pourquoi les dieux m'ont épargné de ce jour noir de notre histoire que j'ai conté. Le vent souffle toujours sur la Bretagne armoricaine et j'ai rejoins ma femme, mon fils et mon domaine, j'ai tout reconstruit de mes mains pour en arriver là, je suis devenu roi de la tribu de Dana. Dans la vallée ohoh de Dana lalilala. Dans la vallée j'ai pu entendre les échos. Dans la vallée ohoh de Dana lalilala. Dans la vallée des chants de guerre près des tombeaux.

The wind blows over the plains of Armorican Brittany, I take one last look at my wife, my son and my estate. Akim, the blacksmith's son, came for me, and the druids decided to take the fight to the valley. Where all our ancestors, giant Celtic warriors, after great battles, have imposed themselves as masters, it is now time to defend our land, against an army of Cimmerians ready to cross swords. The whole tribe gathered around large menhirs, to invoke the gods so that they may bless us. After this prayer with my brethren without showing any sign of zeal, the chiefs gave us all sips of mead, For courage, so that there may be no falter, to remain great and proud when we are in battle for this is the first time for me to go into battle, and I hope to be worthy of the tribe of Dana. In the ohoh valley of Dana lalilala. In the valley I could hear the echoes. In the ohoh valley of Dana lalilala. In the valley of war songs near the tombs. After a few incantations of druids and magic, the whole tribe, sword in hand, ran towards the enemy, the struggle was terrible and I could only see the shadows, slicing through the enemy who always came back in outnumber. My brethren fell one after the other before my gaze, under the weight of the weapons possessed by all these barbarians, spears, axes, and swords in the Garden of Eden , which flowed blood on the green grass of the plain. As in those days of sorrow when man drags himself to the limit of the reign of evil and hatred, it was necessary to continue this fight already lost, but such was the pride of the whole tribe, the struggle continued like this until the setting sun, of extreme ferocity in addition to relentlessness, had to defend the land of our ancestors buried there, and for all the laws of the tribe of Dana. In the ohoh valley of Dana lalilala. In the valley I could hear the echoes. In the ohoh valley of Dana lalilala. In the valley of war songs near the tombs. At the end of the valley one could hear the sound of a horn, of an enemy chief calling his whole horde, had he understood that they would fight even in hell and that to the tribe of Dana belonged these lands? The warriors were leaving, I didn't understand how far they had come to get there, when my gaze landed all around me, I was the only one standing in the tribe that's why. My fingers parted as they let go of my weapons and tears began to flow down my cheeks, I have never understood why the gods spared me from that dark day in our history that I have recounted. The wind is still blowing over Armorican Brittany and I joined my wife, my son and my estate, I rebuilt everything with my own hands to get to this point, I became king of the tribe of Dana. In the ohoh valley of Dana lalilala. In the valley I could hear the echoes. In the ohoh valley of Dana lalilala. In the valley of war songs near the tombs.

Laura Ramazzotti Zucchero Pavarotti

You may find some videos on my blog.

The Cat and the delay

Manau - La tribu de Dana

Emmenez-moi Take ne Away

To the docks where weight and boredom bend my back They arrive with bellies weighed down with fruit, the boats They come from the ends of the world, bringing with them Wandering ideas, with the reflections of blue skies Of mirages Trailing a peppery perfume, of unknown lands And eternal summers, where we live almost naked On the beaches I who have known all my life only the sky of the north I'd like to wash away this grey, by tacking Take me to the end of the Earth Take me to Wonderland It seems to me that misery Would be less painful in the sun In the bars at dusk, with the sailors When we talk about girls and love, a drink in my hand I lose track of things, and suddenly my thought takes me away and lays me down, a wonderful summer On the shore Where I see stretching out her arms, love that like a madman Runs to meet me, And I hang around my neck Of my dream When the bars close, let the sailors go to their shores I still dream until morning standing on the harbour Take me to the end of the Earth Take me to Wonderland It seems to me that misery Would be less painful in the sun One fine day on a creaking raft from the hull to the deck To leave I'd work in the coal bunker Taking the road that leads, to my childhood dreams On distant islands, where nothing is important Than living Where languid girls steal your heart Braiding, I've been told, of these necklaces of flowers That intoxicate I'd flee leaving my past there, without any remorse Without baggage and with a liberated heart, singing very loudly Take me to the end of the Earth Take me to Wonderland It seems to me that misery Would be less painful in the sun Take me to the end of the Earth Take me to Wonderland It seems to me that misery Would be less painful in the sun La-la-la-la, la-li, la-la, la-la-li, la-la, la, la-la-la-la

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They are in the house.

Back up stage.

Worry about the kids.

Behave and control yourself. Don´t get in Rabbit holes.


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