lundi 20 novembre 2023

Quick notes

 The Voyagers lifted their wings. Yet the papers are still in standby on the secretary.

Secret plans flew like angels and devils. None of them were kick out from Italy.

The Wonderful

Well, kisses.

8 to love 8   2 6

It´s something.

1 love the other

Even with a war on the horizon


The Newbys

Keep on rocking in a free world. 

The gardening, the vegetables were made with love.

Work, duty, if they want to live off grid and in a substantiable lifestyle. If they want food on their plate. Beer and wine.

The "mistakes, lessons, the learning, it all makes part of life.

The gardening

It´s gratifying when the awards are received. The vegetables and the fruits. After all the time and all the effort spend working on the land. Hard work, enjoyable and pleasant work, hobby and entertainment.


Paint your world in different and beautiful colors.

Don´t live in their world. In the world that they paint and want you to live.

Mickey Mouse fear drops fueling days.

She´s still talking with Dalai Lama. She was wearing the same bikini she use when she was with the Dalai Lama.

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